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He's growing up! I know my parents do the same when I'm there...my mom, mostly. And to be fair, it's kinda mutual. She still treats me like I'm 12, and that drives me up the fucking wall.

I know the feeling, I just went on a trip to Oregon with my Dad .. .and he is far from being strict, but at the end of the day a few times I felt like going out for a bit to grab a beer and found myself almost asking for permission and telling him when I would be back ... it is odd.

The reverse is true with my son who is 19 .. .I try to resist the urge to treat him like he is 8
I know the feeling, I just went on a trip to Oregon with my Dad .. .and he is far from being strict, but at the end of the day a few times I felt like going out for a bit to grab a beer and found myself almost asking for permission and telling him when I would be back ... it is odd.

The reverse is true with my son who is 19 .. .I try to resist the urge to treat him like he is 8

Dad's pretty cool with me like that. He treats me like an adult. But the reverse is true with my sisters. Dad babies them a bit and mom lets them do as they see fit.
Well, my son does some really smart things, then does some really stupid things.

I don't know if I told this story, but he has a car that isn't licensed or insured-- I reminded him of that the other day...then a few days later, he drove it to work because the car he had been driving was out of gas. I could have strangled him!!

Sunday morning, I went out to my garage to take out some garbage and I found a 'road closed' sign sitting in my garage... kids! :)
Yeah. You get busted with that, you're absolutely fucked. Absolutely. Fucked. That's not just dumb, that's fucking incredibly dumb.

And well, yeah. Mom found the construction signs I borrowed and hid under the porch about 2 years after I left for university. Oops.
That is what is hard .. picking what stupid things you want to let them do and which ones you should step in and say "that is stupid". I know it is not fair, but I treat my daughter in a more protective manner .. she is only 15 which is part of it, but I am sure part of it is that she is a girl.


It's a baby, who cares? It's not someone I know (and even then at most I tend to just say congrats.. cos like.. it's a baby.. they're all the same!) and it's not like their existence is going to affect me unless they become king very young and make some huge change or start a war or something.
We could do a Strangers on a Train scenario .. you fly to Dallas and take care of my neighbors .. .I'll book a flight to Berlin (if the NSA is monitoring this .. joking ... a joke .. relax) and take care of yours .. no one will be the wiser!

It's a baby, who cares? It's not someone I know (and even then at most I tend to just say congrats.. cos like.. it's a baby.. they're all the same!) and it's not like their existence is going to affect me unless they become king very young and make some huge change or start a war or something.

I always love it when people go to great lengths to elaborate how they don't care for something. :D
We could do a Strangers on a Train scenario .. you fly to Dallas and take care of my neighbors .. .I'll book a flight to Berlin (if the NSA is monitoring this .. joking ... a joke .. relax) and take care of yours .. no one will be the wiser!

Do you happen to have an assault rifle under your pillow? :P