Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

TMI dude, TMI.

Not really. I could give TMI (actually would like to give them), but no.

Great! When are they being published?

Never, in fact, no other person will ever see them. (in my will, anyway)

Good for you? o_O

The reason I posted it was because I felt great about it, so yeah. I enjoy writing sick stories, what can I say.

I doubt that highly.

Since these stories will never see light, I have no arguments against your claim.
Just had a conversation with a guy (no, not the guy from last time) and basically his view was that Melodic Death Metal is the same as Thrash Metal except for the vocal style. What does everyone think of this?

Way off. Death Metal is far closer to Thrash Metal than Melodic Death Metal is. Thrash lacks the amount of melody Melodic Death features although of course there are some exceptions.
When I was in the boardin queue for the flight back home today, some people around me were complaining. Understandable, because the boarding was painfully slow, but I tend to be more annoyed with whining than with delays. Anyway, while I stood there I composed this little piece of poetry. Feel free to sing it to Monty Python's Always look on the bright side of life.

If boarding goes quite slow
please don't start a row
the boarding goes no faster if you do
Security will come
and lock you in a room
and then the plane is leaving without you - soooo

... you know the rest.
Well, the husband and I's wedding anniversary is tomorrow so we're going to Cleveland, Ohio for 2 days. He wants to take me to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum and we'll check out other things while we're there. :)
Well, the husband and I's wedding anniversary is tomorrow so we're going to Cleveland, OH for 2 days. He wants to take me to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum and we'll check out other things while we're there. :)
Happy anniversary! My parents went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum last time they were in Cleveland, and loved it.

Also, here's some tourism videos to get you excited about Cleveland:

No, that's really the explanation. Goose is a European word. It developed in different ways, but primarily through Old English. So there's that. Moose is Algonquin (a Native American tribe). So even though they sound similar...also elk has no plural. So we didn't give moose a plural either. Yeah. Stupid.