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Way off. Death Metal is far closer to Thrash Metal than Melodic Death Metal is. Thrash lacks the amount of melody Melodic Death features although of course there are some exceptions.
Kreator is thrash, but if you'd replace their vocalist with a death metal one, it could pass as melodeath. So, depends on the band.
I've seen two conspiracy theories so far. One talks about Iran's enhancement of gold reserves due to ambargo (a huge drop off in gold prices was recorder earlier today), second talks about the recent events of North Korea.

We'll see. I'm positive a war is upcoming.
Yeah well there are also crazy people who like to try and do mass killings at signifcant events too and it doesn't have anything to do with what's going on around the world... But I'm not dismissing the fact that it could be a foreign terroist attack. No one knows anything yet so we can't go around making "war is coming" accusations. I hate conspircy theories. They can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.