Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

No! You can't have my food....Wait, damn you're fluffy!

1 day of work down, 1 more to go! And I even got out about an 1 hour and 15 minutes early today. :D

You know, I don't think I really explained my whole work this weekend situation. Not that anyone would care though. :p One weekend out of the year, usually around this time, the pet store I work at has an Anniversay Sale weekend and EVERYBODY has to work it. No matter which department you are in. In my case, I work customer service in our call center for orders that are mailed out to customers and usually, I don't have anything to do with the store unless I need to talk to someone there for questions and such. This is why I dread it so much because I never have to work the weekend any other time. Yes, I know it's only one little weekend out of the whole year but when you have to work the whole week before plus the weekend, it really fries your brain. :blink:

A pet shop with a separate customer support? Must be a big chain or something :)

I've been to a infant baptism today and lots of food after the whole church ordeal :D
Fuck, it's just 4 pages so I'll be able to finish it tonight, but probably won't be able to go out because of it <.<
Well to you oh Earth...... Best Album Ever Survivor update. The X-Factor has left the building. 20th place.
Only Maiden with Bruce albums left.

In the last 19 albums we're having:

7 Iron Maiden albums:
The Number of the Beast
Piece of Mind
Somewhere in Time
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
Brave New World
A Matter of Life and Death

12 non-Maiden albums, represented by 7 different acts.
Band with 5 albums:
Painkiller — Judas Priest
Sad Wings of Destiny — Judas Priest
Screaming for Vengeance — Judas Priest
Sin After Sin — Judas Priest
Defenders of the Faith — Judas Priest

Band with 2 albums:
Chemical Wedding — Bruce Dickinson
Accident of Birth — Bruce Dickinson

Bands with 1 album
Heaven and Hell — Black Sabbath
Moving Pictures — Rush
Operation Mindcrime — Queensryche
Rising — Rainbow
Ride the Lightning — Metallica
A pet shop with a separate customer support? Must be a big chain or something :)

We're actually not a chain at all. The store is a family run business that started as like a small little store and grew to a warehouse sized pet place. So of course we have retail store and mail orders that get sent out and I work in the mail order area taking phone calls and such. :)

Oh and I got off early again today too! And.....my week long vacation has officially started! :yey:
I have two things to say:

Firstly, I have the most awkward moment of my life approaching soon. This is because after buying a sandwich in Waverley Station in Edinburgh yesterday I didn't realize until I was in Birmingham that part of the change is a Clydesdale Bank fiver. This is a massive issue because a lot of English shop assistants don't know that they are allowed to accept them. I am not looking forward to the moment I have to use this.

Secondly, while in the University's library earlier I was browsing 9gag and came upon a post which involved the number 69. My friend, who was using the computer next to me, didn't know why it is a significant number. There was no way that I was going to explain it to her so I told her to ask her flatmate, but who the hell goes through twenty-one-and-a-half years without finding out what 69 means?