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There's not very much in the heavy/power section, but quite some folk, pagan and black metal with German vocals. I'm not sure if that is up your alley, though. Maybe try some German punk rock, like Die Toten Hosen, Die Ärzte or Slime.
It's not for the journey. I take some CDs with me every time I go down and SSOASS is kind of relevant to a special day in the middle of June...
Ah gotcha. I used to listen to Seventh Son on the way up to Ski trips, unfortunately I don't ski anymore. I guess the whole snow and ice feel on the cover fit the mood.
Can't wait for that to happen here. Here, it's currently the phase between the snow melting and spring appearing.
Our spring weather started up this week and I think it's here to stay finally. Today is suppose to be a nice day but too bad I'll be working and not being able to enjoy it... <_< Oh well, I'm going to just try to make the best of the weekend. I have a whole week off work next week anyway. :D
I hate working weekends!! That is one of the biggest reasons I left retail.

In other news, I took yesterday off, so that makes today really nice! Went out to dinner with a friends last night, celebrated a friends bday, watched a band, and got very little sleep!!

Now, I'm surfing, listening to tunes and drinking coffee, while sitting on the floor in the sun.
My day of lazy continues. Kinda. I worked over the last week to get my house nicely cleaned so that I wouldn't need to do anything this weekend... I'm over watching Wolverine while babysitting my nephews. Nice and easy!
1 day of work down, 1 more to go! And I even got out about an 1 hour and 15 minutes early today. :D

You know, I don't think I really explained my whole work this weekend situation. Not that anyone would care though. :p One weekend out of the year, usually around this time, the pet store I work at has an Anniversay Sale weekend and EVERYBODY has to work it. No matter which department you are in. In my case, I work customer service in our call center for orders that are mailed out to customers and usually, I don't have anything to do with the store unless I need to talk to someone there for questions and such. This is why I dread it so much because I never have to work the weekend any other time. Yes, I know it's only one little weekend out of the whole year but when you have to work the whole week before plus the weekend, it really fries your brain. :blink:
That sucks. Someone I work with has been known to work a Sunday shift, followed by a full working week, and then another Saturday early shift. She says she can't even concentrate on the job any more after the 6th day
Only jobs I've ever had were 7 day's a week, last one's shifts were 11-3:30 then 5:15-11pm except for sunday which was 10am-11pm, I was meant to have 5 shifts off a week but it averaged more like 1-2.