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I wish it was chickenpox. Okay I don't wish it but if it was I wouldn't make such a big deal about it. It came out of nowhere it's no reason not to go to school and avoid sitting on those horrible desks. :D
Spring has been in the air for about three weeks here. In fact we were travelling today and it all looked so green and lush and there's grass and flowers everywhere, the trees are all covered in white and pink blossoms and there are storks everywhere... It's just great.
Were the storks delivering children?

I am currently deciding what CDs to take to Birmingham with me, and I think that 'Seventh Son of a Seventh Son' will be quite useful...
Were the storks delivering children?

I am currently deciding what CDs to take to Birmingham with me, and I think that 'Seventh Son of a Seventh Son' will be quite useful...
SSOASS is a great album for road trips.
Question that some people may be able to help with.

I play an MMO most days, and tonight we had some organised team fights with a german group we know, lots of fun, and I'm going to upload the videos of it. Normally all my videos have metal on them (Duh) and so I thought this time i'd use something sung in german, assuming youtube allows it.
..... But the only german vocal songs I have in general, are Rammstein, 99 Red Ballons (Goldfinger) and Du (Hasselhoff.. film soundtrack). So, anyone know some decent metal with german vocals? :)