Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Huh? How did I do that? I quoted Yax, added some text, hit the reply button and it became a blank post.

Even Adrian Smith could not have done something like that.
Another try:
I fucking love this song. So. Fucking. Catchy. Not to mention, the vocals are fucking awesome. The contrasting bridge is awesome as well. Remember hearing it on the stereo quite frequently when I was little. No wonder they've sold s much as Maiden (edit: Almost. 75 million). Grade A pop. This shit is great. :p
I like their ballad Listen to Your Heart the most. What a chorus. :blush: *ducks for rotten tomatoes*
Looks like we have to make fun of this feat by the time the Maidenfans meet takes place in Berlin (the hunting, not the killing aspect). :D
Used to play 'Listen to your Heart' at work ^^.

Now, random factoids I have learnt today:
- 8th January 1835 is the only day in history that the USA has had no national debt.
- George W. Bush and Saddam Hussein had their shoes hand-made by the same Italian cobbler.
- The designer of Saddam Hussein's bunker was the grandson of the woman that built Hitler's bunker.
You'll really want to hunt me down for one of my guilty pleasures!
Adam Lambert
So Travis, do you mind giving me your address? So I can, you know, hunt you down? :P

I'm no stranger to guilty pleasures myself when it comes to music. Sometimes there will be a catchy song now and again that catches my ear and I like alot of the one-hit wonder songs that are out there.
I have a lot of guilty pleasure pop that I enjoy. I think the stuff that isn't extremely popular can be really good. Even some of the mega popular stuff is alright. Regina Spektor, She & Him, and Lights are all artists I really enjoy. That's just off the top of my head.
He was on American Idol a couple of years ago. Brian May and Roger Taylor liked him so did a few shows with him last summer as Queen & Adam Lambert. They were supposed to do Sonisphere UK but the organizers cocked up and had to cancel the festival (which isn't running next year either).