Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Hope everyone had a great holiday, mine was very relaxing -- played with my kids and their new presents, watched Christmas movies, built a fire in the fireplace, ate steak and had a bottle of wine. Not bad. I also learned today I'm getting an extra year-end bonus, double my expected bonus, so feeling pretty warm and fuzzy about that too. So, all in all, a good week so far. Back at work today, but may play hooky this afternoon and watch Zero Dark Thirty or Django Unchained. For the first time in years, I actually have New Year's Eve plans -- spending the evening with some college buddies in town for the Rose Bowl. Then, off to the Rose Bowl the next day. (Go Stanford!) This is shaping up to be a great end to an otherwise crappy year (for many reasons, mostly having to do with morbidity and mortality). I'll only be checking in intermittently for the rest of the month, but I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

'Dog's grandma is far more badass than me. And I'm glad Mosh's brother is doing better.

The new avatar is in honor of my daughter.
Thanks for the well wishes everyone, he's seems to be doing OK.

Had a white Christmas out here too. Snowed a ton on Christmas eve. Still there.
Meeting new people is the best, even more when they are tourists and just want to have fun and always in good mood..
Not that much, just a little bit freshening during the work in a restaurant. We are on a popular street in a historic centre of Prague, so there are huge numbers of foreigners and they are almost always fun.
I'm growing impatient. Would Priest/Sony PLEASE release the Epitath tour DVD soon? Or at least feed the fournace with some kind of news of it?
Is Turkey very mountainous then? I don't know a great deal about the country's geography other than that it's not exactly high latitude...

Turkey's geography varies very much by area. The west coast is mostly flat, middle part has mountain ranges accelerating as much as 4000m, the eastern part is very mountainous and it includes the famous five-thousander, Mount Ararat. Western portion has mediterranean climate, north and south portions have mild climate, middle and eastern portions have rough continental climate.

The city I live in (Samsun) is on the north coast, a port of Black Sea. You can check out its place on the map here.

Samsun is very high on dampness (mostly around %80 and plus, even %99 at times) and its rainy.
I fucking love this song. So. Fucking. Catchy. Not to mention, the vocals are fucking awesome. The contrasting bridge is awesome as well. Remember hearing it on the stereo quite frequently when I was little. No wonder they've sold s much as Maiden (edit: Almost. 75 million). Grade A pop. This shit is great. :p

I've been to Turkey (Alanya - Tourist resort). Three times. Went again for the first time in 7 years, a few months ago, this time with the fiancee. Loved it.
Not that much, just a little bit freshening during the work in a restaurant. We are on a popular street in a historic centre of Prague, so there are huge numbers of foreigners and they are almost always fun.

Funny, when we were in Prague a few years ago, we ate in a place in the square with the Astronomical Clock. It just started pouring rain, so we dove into a restaurant that was in a basement, it looked like it was probably a club at one point (or turned into one later in the evening). Anyway, the waiter was incredibly nice, gave us some good taxi advice on how to get back to the top of the hill where are car was and was just nice in general to talk to. We got in there pretty early in the evening and were about the only ones there. It was a fun way to wait out the rain and have a nice chat with a "local".
Any chance it was The Red Lion? :)
Anyway, I wasnt here until last two weeks. I sometimes do the waiter work too, when help is needed, but when theres a lot of orders, It gets me stressed. Tips are very generous though.