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now i want some cookies... i also really don't like the way mobile browsers do this site. opera seems best, but it still drives me crazy!
Yes, it's extremely emotional and quite difficult to watch.
Yeah, that's the reason it's taking me so long to finish watching it. I think that the second to last episode (the one I'm watching now) is the hardest one to watch - that's the one where they find the concentration camp...
I just wanted him to stop playing. NOW!
If this guy had tried to destroy a Maiden song the way he did with everything else he played, he wouldn't know what had hit him.
Who cares? Even if the whole country knows, I know I was right!
I mean, I thought our bosses were cool and everything but then again, how much hatred do you have to have for your employees to hire a pathetic band like that one for the party? The guitarist was the worst thing, of course, he should never be allowed to touch a guitar ever again and he might be willing not to do so for a while after last night. But the singer wasn't much better. I'm sure his only ambition in life is to be Bon Jovi when he grows up - same hair, same earrings, same boots, 20 cm shorter.... :devil: He even sang "Purple Rain" like Bon Jovi.