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It was!! Cool on yours. So... may I ask, are you a dress kinda girl? Or is this a dress kinda party? My date is NOT a dress girl. I've know her for 15 years and seen her in a dress 3 times ever.
No, I'm not. I wear a dress very, very rarely and just during the summer. The party doesn't have a fixed dress code, but I know that most people would dress up, except for our IT department, who would just wear their typical Cradle of Filth or Korpiklaani t-shirts.
That's freaking awesome! ..well, the IT part :) I'm one of 3 IT guys in our company (I'm sure I've stated that before) -- two of us go to the party and we both were dressed up. I had a new shirt and tie, the other guy wore a tie and a sweater vest. And we both rocked the dance floor! :)

So, did you figure out what you are going to wear??

I'm pulling out my rant box for one moment--- I'm so fucking tired of those facebook posts that say "god, why do you allow so much violence in our schools" "I'm not allowed in your schools--god"

What bullshit. So, adults make rules that keep 'god' out of school, and 'god' decides to forsake children for this reason? god isn't all powerful so has to abide by some law a human made?

sorry, rant off... I just get really tired of people sometimes....

Ariana, I think the uggs would be a great addition to your attire! ;)
Another Saturday evening at home... Gonna watch last 3 episodes of Band Of Brothers - I think I downloaded all 11 episodes like 6 months ago, and I'm yet to finish watching it.