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I think that is true for many people. However, the best parties are those where there is no need to drink the music good :D (or drink the ladies pretty)
Today in Bulgaria we celebrate the University Students Day.
8th December is also the day when Jim Morrison was born and John Lennon died.
1973! The year of my birth!! Also, i think there was a really nice looking Camaro made this year...


Looks like the Firebird, not the Camaro is what I was thinking...
it is supposed to be 71 here today, about 74 tomorrow, then drop to 18 Monday AM ...Nice that the better days are on the weekend, but hate this time of year, where the temp has been anywhere from -20 to 95 in December over just the past 5 years.
You know why we dont land on the moon any more? It isn't money, funding, safety, 'nothing to see here', or anything like that. It's the USSR. In the 60's, 70's and 80's, everything that got done like that was because we (the USA) didn't want them (USSR) to do it first/better. I'm sure NASA loved that.
Nasa guy: "Hey, CIA, did you hear that the USSR was going to put a cat in space?"
CIA guy: "What? We'll get some funding for a monkey to go up!"

I'm sure they were making up all sorts of crazy shit to go up there. Then the KGB/Russia had to counter.

KGB: "What? Putting up monkey? We put up person!"

Yeah... now we are afraid of nukes and terrorism instead of being afraid to be second to do something amazing.
In this year the UK, Denmark and Ireland became member of the European Economic Community (EEC).
In the Netherlands (and perhaps other countries?) it was also the year of the first carless Sunday, because of the oil crisis:




How did this originate? Does everyone identity themselves with this ("national" holiday)?
Yes, it's a universally accepted holiday. All current and former university students celebrate.
Its origin is a bit complicated. The Bulgarian Orthodox Church celebrates the day of St Clement of Ohrid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clement_of_Ohrid), who is the patron of Bulgarian higher education. The oldest university in Bulgaria is named after him, but it celebrated its holiday on 25 October, following the Gregorian calendar. According to the Julian calendar, which the Church still observes, 8th December is the day of St Clement of Ohrid. In 1902, the day is announced as official holiday for all higher education students.
I was looking at stuff from '73. Vietnam war (USA) ended. Russians launched a remote 'probe' (dunno, some doohickey) to cruise the moon. Kiss played their first show.