Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Already know of it, made me laugh quite a bit when I first heard one of their songs.

Is my double post merging a forum thing or did a mod do this?
Mega said:
Is my double post merging a forum thing or did a mod do this?
The system will merge a double post if the two posts are posted within an hour of each other (from what I recall, a mod should be able to verify the timings). Real World set it up a few years ago.
I don't know where to find the settings, but I think its actually 4 hours between posts before it makes two of them.
Hint: It's definitely Smoke on the Water.

Any takers?

Trying to play some SNES games on my DS again. I can't enjoy them on my pc for some reason, and the fact that emulators for DS suck kinda ruins it for me, but I enjoy some classic mario action and what not so what the hell.

Too bad Super Metroid will never work like that.
how do emulators work? I've considered getting a few PC emulators but I'm not sure how they work and what the right ones are. SNES      is cool but genesis is better.
Well, you download an emulator (google it, it's always in the first 3 links).

Than look for the games: say you wanna find the first sonic for the genesis. Google: Sonic the Hedgehog genesis ROM. ROM files are pretty much old (or hendheld) game files.
After you've got both load it using the emulator and enjoy.

I was talking about and emulator that RUNS on the DS FOR the SNES though.
I've been struggling with DS emulators too. Lately I've been having fun with Visual Boy Advance, playing lots of games like Ninja Gaiden Shadow, Double Dragon Advance, Doom II and old favorite Super Mario Land 2.

For people interested in ROMs and emulators:

portermoresby said:
I've been struggling with DS emulators too. Lately I've been having fun with Visual Boy Advance, playing lots of games like Ninja Gaiden Shadow, Double Dragon Advance, Doom II and old favorite Super Mario Land 2.

For people interested in ROMs and emulators:

When the GBA was out I used to have alot of fun with VBA on my PC, playing some now known GBA classics like pokemon and mario super stars. Now that I have an actual DS, it's really hard for me to play older games on my PC, both because I don't like PC gaming anymore and because it's so much more comfortable lying on your bed with a small handheld and game away.


I fucking hate how because I was born "recently" I already know  of most of the iconic moments of film and television without actually seeing it, like the KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN thing. I can't enjoy old shows, movies and games because of that.

...Stupid backwards intertextuality.