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LooseCannon said:
True. Those lousy Krauts are going to get their worst whipping since WW2!

Reminds me of the following:

A Lufthansa plane is taxiing towards the terminal in Frankfurt, and speaks to Ground Traffic Control in German. He's told "If you want an answer you have to speak English", to which he replies - in English: "I am a German pilot on a German airline, in Germany. Why do I have to speak English?". A pilot on another plane replies, in an unmistakably British accent: "Because you lost the bloody war!"
LooseCannon said:
True. Those lousy Krauts are going to get their worst whipping since WW2!

Ha!!  So, if the Germans played the French in hockey, would the France just forfeit?

@EW, nice.
Nice one, EW.

And it happened once, but France only has 1 NHL player right now…so they did get beat hard.
It's been around 2-3 here the last few days...seems we get 1 cold one and then a week of around freezing temps...
After many, many searching and disapointment, I finally found Maiden CD's at a great price: I got NPFTD, FOTD, XF, VII and LAD in just... well I guess around 65 dollars. Rust In Peace was like 6 bucks so I bought it too. All in all around 70 bucks, not sure about the exchange rate. Can't wait for it to get here!
Mega said:
...not sure about the exchange rate...

Erm ... that, at least, you can Google. :P

Average of just under $12 each, hmm. Not bad. Then again...

I was in Columbia House for a few years in the 90s. In fact, I had six accounts. Taking careful advantage of all their deals, I bought about 600 CDs over about 3 years, at an average cost of $5 each including shipping. And I mean a lot of good titles too, though you have to take a few bad ones to get the deals.
Maybe someday I'll get a ton of other discs. Right now I focus on Maiden.

I only need BNW, RLDO and Donington to complete the collection.
'Till I get crazy and get other lives and DVD's and stuff.
Most expensive CD I ever purchased (minute-of-music/overall-cost) was Slayers Reign in Blood. For 28 minutes of music, it cost me around £17. And that was back in 1989(ish).

The problem was that back then, Reign in Blood was not available as a UK release on CD - if you wanted it, it was either cassette or vinyl. Or you got lucky and found it at an extortionate price in an independent record store under the "import section".

Now we will have some of you thinking "Independent record store, cassette, vinyl, import section! What are they?" :D
Ha!  I know exactly whereof you speak!  I remember, early 90's, looking for a band for my (then) GF (Strawberry Switchblade).  Could only find it in and independent record store in the import section.  An American band, but could only find recordings on a Japanese label (and all the writing was in Japanese).
Are we talking a drastic cut here?

I remember the day I cut my hair. I had it really, really long and one day walked into the hairdressers and asked for it all off. The hairdresser almost refused to do it! "You got lovely hair", she said "I can't do it."
Yep. Drastic. I'd wager it's about one cm long now.

Albie said:
I remember the day I cut my hair. I had it really, really long and one day walked into the hairdressers and asked for it all off. The hairdresser almost refused to do it! "You got lovely hair", she said "I can't do it."

That was exactly my hairdresser's reaction too. I was so proud to have made the decision and walked into the shop, and then she started giving me second thoughts... but I said, "nope, do it now as long as I still want it." Then I closed my eyes and off it was.

When I left, she said "fortune favours the brave". :D
I have to cut my hair so it does not grow in clumps in certain areas.  I'm quite surprized how much hair I have left; I expected to be half-bald by now.  Take that dad!

On another issue...
I was reading upon that anti-English football T-shirt and found this article that talks about how violent French men are.  Really?  "Three women are being killed by their partners every week."  The parliament is proposing an electronic tag to keep track of violent offenders.  Both the left and right agree on this and the bill is likely to be passed.