Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Vista will never be on any of my Laptops/PC's - it's not that I don't rate it, it's just that I never purchased a PC during it's lifetime of being bundled with new computers. A lot of people I know are actually quite excited about Windows 7 - that, I will find out soon enough.
I'm on lappy right now, 7 isn't bad at all, it's a little crashier - I like mature operating systems, so this is against my trend of waiting for the first service pack.
I'd like to play with Vista, just 'cause the class I'm in at the moment has Vista all over it (tho I can muck around with XP and get the basics down).  My understanding of 7 is that it is a 'Apple like version of Windows'.  Something that is user friendly and pretty easy to use.  I don't know a whole lot about it, but 7 isn't geared towards the 'business' end, is it?  Mostly the home-user?
Meh, it's kinda like that. I guess. Hard to really compare the two, given that the OS X gui is still superior to 7 by leaps and bounds...but they tried to make something a little more interesting. I won't say intuitive. Just interesting.
Well, thats what I meant, 'apple-like'.  Not 'as good', but on a more user friendly scale than previously seen (by Windows). 

Speaking of OS's, my bro-in-law was telling me about the lappy they use to load their system info at the factory he works at; its using Windows 3.1-- funny, huh?
Not really...3.1 for that sort of use was just discontinued officially last year. My dad works on machines in the military that still run 3.11 - just because nobody ever replaced them.
I'm a PC and not installing Windows 7 was my idea.

Good news today is that the company I work for has installed a Red-Hat server (and as it runs the Gnome desktop, it's very similar to Ubuntu). They have also said that they want to send me on a course to learn more about it, so that I become the local expert.

Now that is a much better idea than fumbling your way through it and using Google to search for answers. :D
LooseCannon said:
Not really...3.1 for that sort of use was just discontinued officially last year. My dad works on machines in the military that still run 3.11 - just because nobody ever replaced them.

That is pretty cool, actually-- that they are still working.

@Albie, that sounds like fun!

Albie said:
I'm a PC and not installing Windows 7 was my idea.

Murphy's Law applied:

I've got a presentation at 8 AM. At 1:42 AM while in the midst of writing the script, the computer crashes.

It just can't be a coincidence.
Well, I managed to type something together. I personally think the presentation was horrible, but the prof said he was satisfied. He acknowledged that it wasn't my main subject and I know virtually nothing about it so he judged it by that premise.
Perun said:
Well, I managed to type something together. I personally think the presentation was horrible, but the prof said he was satisfied. He acknowledged that it wasn't my main subject and I know virtually nothing about it so he judged it by that premise.

Hey, well good on that!  Nice that the prof can understand that. 

@Albie, who wouldn't remember them?!

:yey: :yey: :yey:

I wrote a Kurdish exam today. It wasn't cataclysmic but nothing to get the fireworks started either.

But still, I've got holidays!!!!  :) :) :)

Wasted CLV said:
Hey, well good on that!  Nice that the prof can understand that. 

Actually, my grandfather was his prof (and I'm not kidding!) so I guess he went easy on us.

@Albie, who wouldn't remember them?!

I don't. I know them, but I don't remember them. ;)

Anyway, Wasted, here's a link for you. I know almost nothing about motorbikes and I was already in stitches... let's see what it's like for you. ;)

Ha ha!!  That is classic!!!  Funny enough, I've been to that forum on occasion (tho never posting).  The things that some people do to their engines.....
....Another Saturday morning.....

I really am in the mood to party!  ...but I think I'll sit around reading the interweb and watching olympics.....
Well, no parties for me.  Had some fun with friends and family, tho.  Now I should be studying, but I'm goofing off.  I did get lucky enough to drive in a nice snow storm today-- my car almost got stuck at least 3 times, right in the middle of the fucking road!  the snow was between 4-6 inches deep on the road-- yeah, i know that isn't all that deep for some of you, but my little car doesn't like it.

it seems very quiet in this thread.....  ::)