Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Eddies Wingman said:
This one doesn't get old, does it?



Dude... check your inbox, I'm about to send you some weird shit...  :lol:
Well, I've wasted the last 3 weeks doing almost nothing but watching old Sci-fi shows (and painting).  So, now its time to find some new tunes to listen to and new books to read.  ...and my classes start next Tuesday.
Wasted CLV said:
Well, I've wasted the last 3 weeks doing almost nothing but watching old Sci-fi shows (and painting).  So, now its time to find some new tunes to listen to and new books to read.  ...and my classes start next Tuesday.

Sounds like a good holiday. ;)
I just read a novel about an alternate reality of the German elections in 2009 in which a monarchist party wins thanks to computer manipulation and is about to crown a new king. I'd recommend that one, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to have been translated to English. Now I'm back to "Khomeini, life of the Ayatollah"...

My brother is going back to school in two weeks time too. I'm happy about that.
Good for your brother!  That does sound like an interesting book-- if you ever do hear of an English translation, I'd be happy to hear about it.  I really do enjoy alt history fiction.
I would like to tell you that I support PETA.

People Eating Tasty Animals, that is.

And now for something completely different:

A man, wanting to rob a Bank of Queensland , walked into the Branch and
wrote 'Put all your muny in this bag.'
While standing in line, waiting to give his note to the teller, he began
to worry that someone had seen him write the note and might call the
police before he reached the teller's window.  So he left the Bank and
crossed the street to the NAB Bank.  After waiting a few minutes in
line, he handed his note to the teller.  She read it and, surmising from
his spelling errors that he wasn't the brightest light in the harbour,
told him that she could not accept his stickup note because it was
written on a Bank of Queensland deposit slip and that he would either
have to fill out a NAB deposit slip or go back to Bank of Queensland .....
Looking somewhat defeated, the man said, 'OK' and left.
He was arrested a few minutes later, as he was waiting in line back at
the Bank of Queensland. Happened in Noosa!
Isn't it f'ing cold at the moment? Last winter, we had bucket loads of snow and we all agreed that this sort of snow-fall only happens once every ten years. This winter we got bucket loads again and we are all still saying "it only happens once every ten years!"
Albie said:
Isn't it f'ing cold at the moment? Last winter, we had bucket loads of snow and we all agreed that this sort of snow-fall only happens once every ten years. This winter we got bucket loads again and we are all still saying "it only happens once every ten years!"

Last week, most of Norway had temperatures from -15 C to -40C - however, the snowfall wasn't very big. In Trondheim, where I live, the temperature was stable at about -20 C from Monday to Thursday, but during the weekend it has risen to a pleasant -2 C today. It almost feels like spring is in the air  :D

Still, many up here are a bit astonished when we hear that dozens of football matches in England have been postponed due to the "extreme winter conditions"  :D Don't you have proper shoes to walk outside when there's snow and ice?  :P The football grounds themselves looked just fine to me ...

However, compared to the poor sods living here none of us should complain. A cold record of - 70 C, that is real winter!

Zare said:
Me too. I've been eating one tasty boar lately.

On Christmas Eve we had a very tasty roe deer steak, and on New Year's Eve reindeer fillet ... very tasty animals.
Eddies Wingman said:
Still, many up here are a bit astonished when we hear that dozens of football matches in England have been postponed due to the "extreme winter conditions"  :D Don't you have proper shoes to walk outside when there's snow and ice?  :P The football grounds themselves looked just fine to me ...
That's the thing, you see, almost all the top grounds across the country can cope with just about any weather you can throw at it and still be playable (fog and torrential rain before and during the match is the one that would beat them). What was the issue was the approach to the grounds - this country has become so obsessed with health and safety that every business is running scared of being sued for trivial things, so to be safe, they shut shop.

No, we can't cope with snow. But I will still maintain that we don't get winters like this every year. To get temperatures of greater than -4[sup]o[/sup]c is pretty rare.
I just checked my temp (adjusted for C) and found out that today is one of the warmest we have had in the last 2 weeks, and its -5C.  We've had a few days of -14C.  Meh, if it gets back above freezing (which its supposed to soon) I'll be happy.
Today is actually quite cold, -12 C, but this is easily the coldest day we've had all January. So warm for the winter here...this is what climate change is. Fucking scary shit.
LooseCannon said:
So warm for the winter here...this is what climate change is. Fucking scary shit.

And bloody cold here. Which is funny, given we're basically on the same latitude.
12°C -yet quite cold in combination with the sea breeze.
Cold /warm is not only the temperature! In Paris with 12°C I'm on tee-shirt
It's been 11(C) here today, and that's around average daily winter temperature.
It's been -2(C) a week before Christmas, and you don't want to experience that. I've been on -15(C) in Sarajevo once or twice, and it's very, very comfortable compared to -2 here. We have a lot of Bora (and all sorts of other) winds which will chill your bones even on "high" temperatures.

But, as soon as summer kicks in (which is from May to October here ;)) we have ~ 30(C) average high. Now that's my kind of thing  :D
I can't believe I just spent over three hours correcting garbled English.

Three hours for six pages.

Talk about a brainfuck.
Albie said:
Isn't it f'ing cold at the moment? Last winter, we had bucket loads of snow and we all agreed that this sort of snow-fall only happens once every ten years. This winter we got bucket loads again and we are all still saying "it only happens once every ten years!"

It's varying between 30-45°C where I am at the moment, so no it's not f'ing cold, it's too 'kin hot! But have fun slipping and sliding around. ;)