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Indeed touching. The point of this plan (made by a Canadian historian -sorry forgot his name-) is that the people will get a more personal bond with the subject (and the people) when they visit those places.

2 years ago we went with my Polish brother-in-law (also called Adrian!) to an old man who lives in a village in the Province of Noord-Brabant. Reason: That man knew his grandfather. He took care of him when he was severely wounded and left behind by the Poles who had to continue liberating. So we saw all the places where they fought. Nice for Adrian to know this side of his grandfather a bit better, because he hardly was told anything about this period.

edit: What struck me was that a Canadian teacher said "they fought for our freedom" (meaning the freedom of the Canadians) but in reality they fought for our freedom. Canada was not attacked. The Canadians (and many others) sacrificed their lives for us. And that's something we'll never forget.
I would like to be in Berlin 2 days before  :(
The 20 years!
Yes I know that would be probably a  replica of a celebration, but fuck... it would be still an awesome time to be
I am fucked.  I don't know about you guys, you seem to lead pretty holey lives.  I was driving past a church on the way home and it said on the billboard thing "Jesus is coming soon.  Are you ready?"

Answer:  no, I am fucked.  Hope you all have prayed up and will make it.  Or, I'll have lots of company.
Phew, at least some good company!  I just had no idea jesus was coming so soon.

Funny, I always thought those signs were only in grade 'B' movies.  :uhm:
If I go south, it'll be in a 'westerly' fashion.  I don't need Arkansas and the rest.  ....tho, New Orleans mite be fun (with a body gaurd).
Well, sure.  I guess Bourbon Street will be like one of those Mexican cantinas in the middle of a pool... but not as clean.
LooseCannon said:
Not funny.

wasn't trying to be...

merely pointing out the dark side of a going-nowhere-war.

As a former NATO soldier, I support soldiers. I therefor feel, they should be used only when there is a clear need, and a well thought out strategy backing it up.

Toppling the Taliban was a good thing, but the aftermath was NOT thought through.

If Bin Laden was the sole target, one could have used 0.01% of the war budget and no more then three years on a infiltration/extraction mission, and actually succeeded...

as of now, neither Afghan stability, nor the capture of Bin Laden has been accomplished.
which saddens me when one considers the cost in human lives.

And I must say, I was happy to hear what Obama said to the troops in Alaska the other day...

(Relax, boys and girls, I have spoken my peace, I'll go back to the silly-pictures-AJ you all know and... well, know...)
So, your stuck on Mars doing some biological experiment and you find yourself in peril. But wait, you see the Doctor and you know he is going to save your poor little soul - but what does he say:

"What happens here must always happen."

What???? Now you're confused. Why can't he help???

"Because you die, on Mars."

I what??

"You die, today"

Well thanks a bunch, stupid Time Lord.

*Roughly extracted from the clip of a new Doctor Who episode this very weekend.

So, I'm no LC or Albie-- but I can usually muck around the compy enough to figure out what is going on.  The guy that works with me had the 'my computer' screen with the 'virus scan' pop up and it ate his hard drive.  so we installed another one, and that one, along withthe bosses wouldn't access more than the basic yahoo and google sites.  I kept thinking that it was some sort of content blocker not working, until i figured that all 3 compy's had tried to download the same 'adobe flash' for some facebook gimick... so, all 3 are infected.  yeah.  4 computers at work and mine is the only one working properly.  And it wasn't porn that killed 'em.
You are rite.  tho, we are thinking of starting over... the compy's here are about 256 ram, and it'll cost lots ($80 per card) to upgrade the ram.  We have some compy's with 1g ram that we'll have to load XP pro on, but that'll be cheaper in the long run-- mostly, cause the former owner pitched all the software cd's so we don't have anything to reload the software with right now.
Well...yeah.... but I have done all I'm gonna do, you know?  I've been telling them for months (a year?) they needed updated antivirus software and ram upgrades.  They waited til fixing it got too expensive.  So, they will be buying software cd's for their new computers.  I'm being sour... you are correct.
Thanks! That is how it goes-- you can only put a band aid on things for so long.  Laugh at our server, two HDD's at 4g and 12g.  Massive.  Loaded, and only 2-8% free space. 
I've been thinking about buying a Mac Mini server to host a site from.  It's a thousand bucks.  1 TB of storage and a smokin' fast Core 2 Duo chip.
That'd be pretty damn awesome!!  i want more hdd space on my mac... yeah, as we have discussed, I need a external hd.