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Perun said:
I'd say marketing. I've got enough experience with it to say that it's reasonably interesting.

Speaking of marketing... I got an email from Ebay today offering me a great bargain that I shouldn't miss, and I should grab it at once. The item offered was a wireless PS3 controller. Sure, I'll buy it for buying's sake. I'll find a use for it eventually, maybe I'll find a PS3 lying around on the street some day or something... geez. The only thing I ever bought on Ebay were Iron Maiden items, a handful of other CDs and a book (many, many years ago). I thought they store your data to optimise the advertising or something...
They also store your viewed items, so that could explain it.
Perun said:
I'd say marketing. I've got enough experience with it to say that it's reasonably interesting.

Yeah, I have more expierence 'managing', and i like marketing better, so I figure the education there, combined with the experience in managing should work ok.  I'm trying to find a good university that offers an 'online' program that I can work with.  We shall see. 

Perun said:
Speaking of marketing... I got an email from Ebay today offering me a great bargain that I shouldn't miss, and I should grab it at once. The item offered was a wireless PS3 controller. Sure, I'll buy it for buying's sake. I'll find a use for it eventually, maybe I'll find a PS3 lying around on the street some day or something... geez. The only thing I ever bought on Ebay were Iron Maiden items, a handful of other CDs and a book (many, many years ago). I thought they store your data to optimise the advertising or something...

Ebay is pretty random to the ads they send out.  I can be looking for xbox games, sci-fi books, and electric guitars,  and they will send me adverts for dolls or toasters.  weird.
Wasted CLV said:
Yeah, I have more expierence 'managing', and i like marketing better, so I figure the education there, combined with the experience in managing should work ok.  I'm trying to find a good university that offers an 'online' program that I can work with.  We shall see. 

I'm sure that will work. Both are closely related, since marketing basically is managing most of the time. I wish you good luck with that.  :ok:

I'm about to completely discard my current term paper. It's good, and it has the potential to be excellent, but that's not good enough for me. My last one really impressed my prof, and I want to top that. As it is, I'm sure it'd become an 'A', but only in the sense of "very good work" and not "extraordinary work which undoubtedly and completely deserves the highest mark" as was commented on my last one. I think I know how to repeat or even top that, but that requires a complete new approach on my topic.
I'm glad I finally have a bit of passion and ambition for my studies.
Forostar said:
A bit of ambition? Say that again mate!  :)

Hehe, I know what it sounds like. But I just can't afford to settle for anything but the best anymore.
Forostar said:
This is too funny to take serious (but it is serious!)


They're funny.  But I'd like to see an example where such laws were enforced.  Of course using missiles on vehicles would get you arrested, but eating ice cream on the sidewalk!..  No one is going to believe that.  Some of these laws are ancient and may never have been enforced.
They are all unbelievable. All (these formulations of) these laws are beyond any form of logic.

It actually was: "In Colorado it's against the law to throw missiles at cars".
So, shall I throw a missile at a bicycle then? Shall I throw a handgrenade at a car? No prob!

"In Alaska it's illegal to push a moose out of a helicopter." Well, then I'll push a moose out of a plane.
Or push a bear from a helicopter. No problem!

In Kansas I will hunt horses from motorboats, in Maryland I'll take a hippo to the cinema and in North Dakota I will dance with pants on my head. In Minnesota I will cross the border with a duck on my head and in Florida I will keep an elephant on the roof of a building.

And there's not one ridiculous law like that on the books in Holland?  I'm sure there is.  Hell, Keelhaulin'! was on the books there until the late 1800s.  All democracies have crazy crap like this.  In my town, it is illegal to have loud noises above a certain level after 11 PM and before 8 AM.  Except for the sound of live bagpipes.
LooseCannon said:
And there's not one ridiculous law like that on the books in Holland?  I'm sure there is.  Hell, Keelhaulin'! was on the books there until the late 1800s.  All democracies have crazy crap like this.  In my town, it is illegal to have loud noises above a certain level after 11 PM and before 8 AM.  Except for the sound of live bagpipes.

I don't care where a law is from, as long as it makes sense or in this case: no sense. :)

If I knew such a Monty Python kind of 21st century law in Holland (or any other democratic country), I doubt if I would be so amazed by such as these. I'll be the first to post one here if I can find one of this level.
Well, what would you rather your elected government do: work on the deal of the day, or work on repealing old laws that aren't enforced?


It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.
A pregnant woman can legally urinate anywhere she wants, including if she requests, in a policeman's hat.
A bed may not be hung out of a window.
It is illegal to eat mince pies on 25th December.
Damaging grass is illegal.
In York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within its ancient city walls but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow.
In Liverpool, it is illegal for saleswomen to be topless, but only in tropical fish stores.
In London, taxis are required to carry a bale of hay and a sack of oats.


In Australia, it is illegal to roam the streets wearing black clothes, felt shoes and black shoe polish on your face as these items are the tools of a cat burglar.
In Toronto in Canada, it is illegal to drive a street car on a Sunday if you have been eating garlic.
In France it is illegal to name a pig Napoleon
In Israel, it is illegal to pick your nose on a Sunday.
In Iceland, it is illegal to blow on lampposts.
In Hong Kong, a woman can kill her husband if he has cheated on her. She must use her bare hand though. This isn't a requirement for the man's lover, who can be killed by any means necessary.
In Samoa, it is illegal to forget your wife's birthday.
In Space, it is illegal to hear someone deliberately.

Admittedly the ones for Holland aren't dumb at all, but plenty of the other ones are.
Forostar said:
This is too funny to take serious (but it is serious!)


Great stuff... :lol:

LooseCannon said:
Damaging grass is illegal.

Lawnmowers are illegal???


Licenses must be bought in order to own television sets, and even VCRs.

You may not spay your female dog or cat.


After extensive searching, I could not find anything supporting that claim in the Norwegian laws, so I hereby declare the entire website as dubious at best...

Myths, for example..?
LooseCannon said:
And there's not one ridiculous law like that on the books in Holland?  I'm sure there is.  Hell, Keelhaulin'! was on the books there until the late 1800s.  All democracies have crazy crap like this.  In my town, it is illegal to have loud noises above a certain level after 11 PM and before 8 AM.  Except for the sound of live bagpipes.

Hah!  Hah!  Gotta love those Scots.  They sure got their priorities straight.  :D
LooseCannon said:
In York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within its ancient city walls but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow.

Forostar said:
This one is cool!

I'd like to see a Scotsman do just that and dare an Englishman to kill him.  :D