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LooseCannon said:
Most modern day Americans don't know what a Hessian was, mate.

Is. Hessians still exist. ;)

Besides, it doesn't matter if they know they kicked German arse, but they did.
I think it matters, otherwise it's not part of the myth.  It's like if you try and suggest that Austro-Hungarians are part of the Canadian WW1 myth - yeah, we fought 'em, and we beat them where we actually came up against them, but most Canadians don't know shit about Austria-Hungary.  We hit the Hun for six, jolly good, King and Country and all that, don't you know, what?
Perun said:

I am reading a bit on wiki about the American Revolutionary War.

United States, Kingdom of France, Spain, Dutch Republic, Oneida (tribe of the Iroquois Confederacy), Tuscarora (tribe of the Iroquois Confederacy), Kingdom of Mysore.


Great Britain, Loyalists, Ansbach–Bayreuth, Hesse-Hanau, Hesse-Kassel, Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Waldeck-Pyrmont, Iroquois Confederacy.

Those "Germans" were easily hired. What did they think they were doing?
Remember who ruled those kingdoms at the time.  George III was closely related to a lot of German monarchs, and had a lot of clout with them.  Besides, mercenaries are mercenaries are mercenaries.
Perun said:
Although you could argue the French are the only country whose identity is based on their arse having been kicked by the Germans [...]

I don't know... And if Germans kicked French, why then they (Germans), are so jealous of French ? (Ref. Tomas Mann -Dr Faoustous)  :P

I know I know, Germans have French kicked, but you see, Alsace is French. It's difficult, unfair maybe, but a fact.
Other : Germany products excellent beer, but France is the Mecca of Wine, more ellegant.

Like a few other things, France is consiered ellegant, when Germany simply respectfull.
LooseCannon said:
Most modern day Americans don't know what a Hessian was, mate.

Don't be so sure. They taught me about Hessians (as mercs in the Revolutionary War) when I was a kid. I have no reason to think I'm unusual in that respect. I suspect most Americans were at least taught about Hessians, although not extensively and so may not remember.
SMX, you're an exceptional case.  And most Americans here are.  But I would wager a guess that if we waded into a middle school in Mobile, Alabama, and asked the students there how the Revolutionary War went down, it would be very, very basic and mostly inaccurate.  Just like most national myths.
But my point is that I doubt I'm exceptional in this respect. I learned about the Hessians in a Catholic elementary school in small-town Wisconsin. It's not like I underwent some special training. There's no basis to think my early education was remarkable.
SinisterMinisterX said:
Perhaps. I do have a good memory, which is good for 2 things: winning trivia contests and ... what was I talking about again?
You were talking about the vast amounts of your money you wish to donate to me, remember?
So, I'm finally gettin off my ass to work on my Masters... anyone here have an opinion of the 'online' programs?  I was thinking of doing accounting or econ, but looks like it'd take me an extra year for that, so its gonna be the MBA program.
I'd say marketing. I've got enough experience with it to say that it's reasonably interesting.

Speaking of marketing... I got an email from Ebay today offering me a great bargain that I shouldn't miss, and I should grab it at once. The item offered was a wireless PS3 controller. Sure, I'll buy it for buying's sake. I'll find a use for it eventually, maybe I'll find a PS3 lying around on the street some day or something... geez. The only thing I ever bought on Ebay were Iron Maiden items, a handful of other CDs and a book (many, many years ago). I thought they store your data to optimise the advertising or something...