Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Albie said:
I love conspiracy theories - the more the merrier, I say. This is not to say that I go along with them, it's just how they come to their logic and how it gets people talking. Crackpots the lot of 'em.

To little information made available to the public leads to such theories, so give them scraps and see what they can come up with. :D

They sure are entertaining... and sad, for example those crackpots who think the CIA is after them and barricade their whole house or think aliens are reading their minds so they wear tin foil. 
Albie said:
I love conspiracy theories - the more the merrier, I say. This is not to say that I go along with them, it's just how they come to their logic and how it gets people talking. Crackpots the lot of 'em.

To little information made available to the public leads to such theories, so give them scraps and see what they can come up with. :D

You have a point there. That is entertaining- it just gets annoying when people take it too seriously. Maybe I'm going to publish my conspiracy theory, when I have the details worked out.

Expect a new Hideout post tomorrow.
LooseCannon said:
No, it's not too little information. 
I meant in general - I wasn't necessaryly trying to pin the theories that evolved from those two incidents on lack of info. Though George Bush's reaction when he first heard the news and the subsequent so called Weapons of mass destruction war may have helped.
New Hideout post. Read it, and you will know why I deserve to go and see Alestorm now.
Man, what a story...  :blink:

Did they break up already?

And your old neighbour: I wonder why he has those nightmares. I can't suppress a certain thought about a certain decade in a certain century.
LooseCannon said:
Did she actually want to play hide and seek at the Holocaust memorial?

Yes, she did. She thought that it was a playground. She neither knew the meaning of the word "Holocaust", nor "memorial", and I am not kidding.


That has to be the creepiest playground I've ever seen.

Forostar said:
Did they break up already?

My mate said he's going to try and do so next week. The problem about her is that she has something disarming about her, and he mostly feels compassion for her. Not a good basis for a relationship anyway.

And your old neighbour: I wonder why he has those nightmares. I can't suppress a certain thought about a certain decade in a certain century.

Dementia. I have some experience with it- I once worked in a retirement home for two weeks, and my grandmother had it. His brain is literally becoming soft and mushy. It usually happens shortly after an old person was subjected to prolonged stress, and my neighbour had just been released from the hospital after six weeks. Dementia is a bitch, because it can happen suddenly and unexpected, as in this or my grandmother's case. Certainly, the war time generation has it harder to deal with, because they have some suppressed traumas that suddenly break up again.
Perun said:
Yes, she did. She thought that it was a playground. She neither knew the meaning of the word "Holocaust", nor "memorial", and I am not kidding.

And she's from Germany, right?  Not from...Alpha-Centauri?
LooseCannon said:
And she's from Germany, right?  Not from...Alpha-Centauri?

It sounds harsh and arrogant... but she's a village kid. That's the way they often are in Germany. Minimal education, little contact to the urban world.
Anyway... Alestorm rocked tonight, but the real highlight of the evening was Ex Deo. I had bought their album last week and didn't even know they were playing tonight- talk about coincidences. Ex Deo is a side project of the singer of Kataklysm, that is devoted to ancient Roman history. They even go onstage dressed in Roman-ish harnesses, as the "XIII Legion". I have hardly ever seen a gig with such dense atmosphere, such amazing musicianship and such a brilliant handling of the audience. You could tell hardly anybody knew about them when they came onstage, but the entire place was captured by the third song. Wow.
Perun said:
It sounds harsh and arrogant... but she's a village kid. That's the way they often are in Germany. Minimal education, little contact to the urban world.

I'm a village kid, but damn.
That's why I put it to relation and said that's the way they are in Germany.
Just worked 9 hours straight without any breaks or food but I did have a killer hangover! Now I'm asking my self why do I care about my part-time grocery store job enough to do that?