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I could have put some tits on the cover. I'm pretty sure one of the teachers is lesbian.
Perun said:
What has this country come to that people can misbehave and you can't do anything about it because you have to fear for your life?
Sounds like some-other country I know.
Albie said:
Sounds like some-other country I know.


One thing I keep wondering is why Data doesn't have a built-in tricorder. Wouldn't that be more convenient?
Perun said:

One thing I keep wondering is why Data doesn't have a built-in tricorder. Wouldn't that be more convenient?

At the very least, a wireless neural link-up.  If my xbox 360 has wireless, his head should!!
Perun said:
One thing I keep wondering is why Data doesn't have a built-in tricorder. Wouldn't that be more convenient?

Reminds me of this picture I found a few weeks ago.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Kinda funny photoshop...
Actually, the only photoshopped thing in that pic is the title. I watched that episode the other day.
I think it's the worst of season seven, but that's not really saying anything, given that season seven is the best thing to ever hit the telly.
I have to go look at the episode list.
Descent (Data episode): Great episode, one of the ones where Spiner really shines.  He could carry this show on his own if he had to.  We're lucky though, as he didn't have to.  9/10.

Liasons (Picard episode): Haven't seen this in awhile, and I didn't like it when I was younger.  Now, however, the concept appeals to me.  8/10.

Interface (Geordi episode): Was really confusing when I was a kid.  I'll need to watch it again, but I didn't recall thinking it was any more than average.  6/10.

Gambit (Picard episode): Fantastic episode.  Confusing when I was younger, but I saw it again a year ago or so, and it was fantastic.  One of Riker's best performances as well, when he pretends to betray the Federation.  Showed the greasy underside of the Federation, too.  10/10.

Phantasm (Data episode): A little early for another Data episode, but not bad.  I seem to recall liking it ok.  7/10.

Dark Page (Troi episode): -1 point for being a Troi episode.  However it was, in my opinion, Majel Barrett's best Star Trek episode, even the DS9 ones where she's hitting on Odo.  Bonus points for a young Kirsten Dunst.  8/10.

Attached (Picard & Crusher episode): Yes, fucking yes.  One of the better episodes they ever did, if not in the top 10, surely in the top 20.  Really evaluated the oft-ignored Picard and Crusher connection, and showed how fucking tough Picard is.  10/10.

Force of Nature (Kinda Geordi/Data): Not too bad, but really political.  One of those vague references to today's life.  Not a bad execution.  7/10.

Inheritance (Data episode): Eh.  Never was big on this one too much.  Another Soong episode, which breaks the Data/Lore dynamic.  Again.  We're supposed to believe that Soong created a perfect android, but forgot to fix Data and Lore, who's genius is in how flawed they are.

Parallels (Worf episode): +1 for being a Worf episode.  This one was really cool when I was growing up, and I rather like how it turned out too.  9/10.

The Pegasus (Riker episode): This is another of my favourite episodes, wherein Riker fights with his conscious in a way they rather do not often discuss.  I like this episode more now, dealing with the constitutional issues, etc.  Really cool.  10/10.

Homeward (Worf episode): +1 for being a Worf episode.  This is the only episode of TNG I missed when I was growing up, and I didn't see it till I was 22.  As a result, I thoroughly enjoyed it.  For the same reasons as the above episode, and also why I love "Drumhead".  9/10.

Sub Rosa (Crusher episode): Didn't like this when I was young, but since then I have grown rather more fond of it.  It's a beautifully written episode, a classic Braga chick-flick episode.  9/10.

Lower Decks (n/a): One of the best episodes of any Star Trek, ever.  I would put this around 8th or 9th on the ultimate top 10 list.  Go see it.  11/10.

Thine Own Self (Data episode): Gosh, did this ever turn out well.  Again, you can see the classical nature of Brent Spiner's acting, and how he can hoist an entire episode on his back.  Hugely powerful episode.  9/10.

Masks (n/a): A weird episode, I remember not getting through the whole thing when I was a kid - I fell asleep.  In retrospect, and watching it again, it's OK.  But not great.  7/10.

Eye of the Beholder (Troi episode): -1 for being a Troi episode.  Other than that, it's fucking perfect.  9/10.

Genesis (Picard/Data episode): 10/10.  No point in saying anything more.  It doesn't mean anything, it's just a great sci-fi episode.

Journey's End (Wesley episode): Eh.  Traveller sucks, but not too bad.  Shows us what they could have done with the Wesley Crusher character if they didn't treat Wil like crap.  8/10.

Firstborn (Worf episode): I take it back.  I'm not sure I've seen this entire episode.  I've seen parts of it...but I don't remember much.  Time travel episode = -1.  Worf episode = +1

Bloodlines (Picard episode): Not too bad, a decent end to the Stargazer story.  Similar to what happened to Kirk in STII with his kid though...so....eh.

Emergence (all): What's particularly interesting about this episode is it takes one of the mildly cheesy concepts that often fails in Star Trek and does it perfectly.  I really think this is one of those near-best episodes of TNG, in the top 20 but not top 10.  10/10.

Preemptive Strike (Ro episode): I liked the episode where she hooked up with Riker.  9/10.

All Good Things... (Picard episode): Yes, a perfect close to the series.  Absolutely marvellous.  Easily the best series finale they ever did.
LooseCannon said:
Gambit (Picard episode): Fantastic episode.  Confusing when I was younger, but I saw it again a year ago or so, and it was fantastic.  One of Riker's best performances as well, when he pretends to betray the Federation.  Showed the greasy underside of the Federation, too.  10/10.

Attached (Picard & Crusher episode): Yes, fucking yes.  One of the better episodes they ever did, if not in the top 10, surely in the top 20.  Really evaluated the oft-ignored Picard and Crusher connection, and showed how fucking tough Picard is.  10/10.

Interesting, we share exactly the same sentiments there. I'm currently re-watching all of season seven, so I'm going to evaluate them all on my own when I'm done.
LooseCannon said:
Lower Decks (n/a): One of the best episodes of any Star Trek, ever.  I would put this around 8th or 9th on the ultimate top 10 list.  Go see it.  11/10.

Oh yes, and this one. Amazing stuff. They don't get better than this.
What are your top 10 TNG episodes?  Not sure what I'd choose to be honest.  Lower Decks, Yesterday's Enterprise, Drumhead, and Measure of a Man, obviously.  Probably Best of Both Worlds and Family as well.
Oh, and Time's Arrow.
From the top of my head, I'd say Best of Both Worlds, Lower Decks, Attached, Chain of Command, I Borg, The Inner Light and possibly also Tapestry. I'm particularly fond of Picard-driven episodes, obviously. Although it's really hard to say, I'd have to review some episode lists for that.
Gar, I be agreein with ye on Tha' Inner Light.  Patrick Stewart hissown self has said it be his favourite episode - moreso than a pitcher of ale!  Har har har!
Oh no, is it talk like a pirate day already? Or did you suddenly get pissed in the last ten minutes? (Or both?)

Anyway, I am always very moved when I see that episode. It's a very unusual one and it doesn't sit too well with the continuity of the rest of the series- but it's just an amazingly good piece of drama.
Perhaps I have me pot of ale and dram of rum, but ye be right - it be International Talk Like A Pirate Day, har har har!!  I be playin' Monkey Island and listenin' t'tha Alestorm!

Yar, sometimes the continuity be walkin' the plank for a hint o'good drama!  Aye, that's why I be tackin' towards an episode like Drumhead - it be diffr'nt, but in a way that makes it as unique as the governor's daughter among a pile o'lasses!  Har har har!!!
Check out Swashbuckle. I saw them the other day playing before Alestorm. They're more in-your-face thrash metal, but they are more thorough with the pirate concept on stage, with pirate dresses (the fat guy even has a stuffed parrot on his shoulder), rubber palms and at the climax two blokes dressed up as a shark and a parrot come on stage, throw a rubber penis to the crowd, drink beer and dance.
Posted a link on the other thread that proves I didn't make this up (it lacks the rubber penis though).