Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I have to be completely honest: I haven't paid a lot of attention to it lately.  First off, whatever they are debating isn't what is going to be in place.  Second of, it seems a ways out right now.  However, I have heard some strange stuff...something about 'when is it your patriotic duty to die for your country'.  Don't know who said it, but I believe it was in reference to an age limitation on govt paid for health care. 

And, yes, there are 'death panels' in existence today.  Or, "lets put this in pending until the patient dies" type of actions.  It is dirty. 
Wow, that's fucked.  There's not going be any age limits.  I dunno.  The debate will return in a month or so anyway.
Wasted CLV said:
'when is it your patriotic duty to die for your country'.

Wow, that wouldn't sound like a country worth dying for, to be honest...
Agreed.  I wish I had the reference for that statement... it was something that I heard late at night, may have even been a local official stating that.  I'll see if I can't track it down.
I can understand your reservation against governmental health insurance though. In Germany, it is an open secret that people who are privately insured get better treatment, because the doctors know they can generally charge them higher. People who have only standard governmental insurance are often treated like shit and have only the necessary things done for them without further service. And this is the country where the fucking idea was invented.
That's why a lot of Canadians don't want to move to a two-tiered system, because it would instantly create an inequality of care for those who have money.  It's not right that the richest dominate the health care market - it should be the sickest getting the best doctors.
It's not right that the richest dominate the health care market - it should be the sickest getting the best doctors.

That's how it should be, and that's how it was originally intended. The original idea wasn't that Germany would become a nanny state, but that those who have little or no money would be guaranteed to have the same access to health care as the wealthy would. And that's the way it was before we had six million unemployed and people who work for a Euro an hour and pick up half-smoked cigarettes from the streets.
Yeah, but with private insurance, the temptation immediately becomes "pay for better service", since you have the option.  We have seen the example Germany set and are really fighting it hard.  Some people are in favour but politicians usually let the idea die pretty quickly after floating it.
Obviously, Germany should never have allowed private insurance. But now it's impossible to have everybody insured on government, because the cash isn't there.
Well, Perun, I'd like to see an own topic of yours (or a general blog topic). Because I enjoy reading it.

Perun said:
I would appreciate it if you guys could provide some comments on the article as a whole - was it too long or too short, would you have preferred more fact or more opinion, was it a good read or boring, would you have preferred more background or did you feel drowned in facts, was the language good or bad, etc.

It was happy with all the points you mention. I indeed saw that there was not toomuch "own opinion" in it, but that suits me well. This kind of blog is about historical events and in such blogs I find it nice to read a more kind of factual story. But these blogs were absolutely not just a list of facts. You painted a picture, and I like it when topographical stuff is in that picture. Names of blocks, streets etc, you name it.

Most important: You write the way you feel comfortable, we just read and are free to comment on the contents.
Forostar said:
It was happy with all the points you mention. I indeed saw that there was not toomuch "own opinion" in it, but that suits me well. This kind of blog is about historical events and in such blogs I find it nice to read a more kind of factual story. But these blogs were absolutely not just a list of facts. You painted a picture, and I like it when topographical stuff is in that picture. Names of blocks, streets etc, you name it.

Most important: You write the way you feel comfortable, we just read and are free to comment on the contents.

Actually, I think there was indeed a lot of personal opinion underneath the surface, in shape of weighting things and judging their significance. Especially, my sympathy towards the West Berliners is obviously something not everybody would share; same goes to the fact that I put the city itself to the foreground, and not the political struggles around it. But yes, I primarily wrote this because I thought you guys would probably not have read such a detailed account before.

I'm glad that you enjoyed it though, and I did enjoy writing it myself- so there's a lot more to come, and I'll start writing my next post(s) tomorrow, once I decided on the topic.
Perun said:
Actually, I think there was indeed a lot of personal opinion underneath the surface, in shape of weighting things and judging their significance. Especially, my sympathy towards the West Berliners is obviously something not everybody would share; same goes to the fact that I put the city itself to the foreground, and not the political struggles around it. But yes, I primarily wrote this because I thought you guys would probably not have read such a detailed account before.

I'm glad that you enjoyed it though, and I did enjoy writing it myself- so there's a lot more to come, and I'll start writing my next post(s) tomorrow, once I decided on the topic.

Well, I actually felt there was a lot of knowledge involved, so of course it was personal, and written from a certain point of view. But not too outspoken, still kind of objective, like "look, this was the way it went".
Let's say it came across as a credible and convincing observation.

To put the city to the foreground, that's exactly what I liked!
I just read the blog about Vista. Trouble is, I have almost no experience of Vista and can't compare it with XP, but I understand you frustrations about it (XP). Personally, I think I will probably bypass Vista as my next PC is most likely going to be a Windows 7 machine - with a Ubuntu partition. :D
That's fair.  The only reason I'm not all-in for 7 is because I have Vista and it works great for me.  Like I said, I needed to tweak the SOB, but it works really well.  No crashes, ever.
Wasted CLV said:
This is all madness!!!  :D :ninja: :) :innocent: :S :o
