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OH!!  That is a major problem!  Hm...and you have to wait til, what? tues night to really do much damage to it?  I have one paulaner and 3-4 corona's in mine... not nearly enough!
how bout this for crazy:  my son broke his arm 3 times between the ages of around 4yrs old and 9 yrs old.  The last time, his arm healed a little odd, and now, at 15 (almost 16) to fix it, they want to re-break it and cut a 'chunk' out of it... :blink:
That would be awesome!!  ah, one of these days.  for now, looks like i'm gonna be saving up for my deductible on an arm procedure...  <_<
In response to your recent blog post, Loosey, I admit that Vista has gotten considerably better and more stable with every update. It's actually typically Microsoft that they're releasing a new Windows now that Vista actually has become good.

The last two parts (in three posts) of the Berlin Wall article have now been posted. I would appreciate it if you guys could provide some comments on the article as a whole - was it too long or too short, would you have preferred more fact or more opinion, was it a good read or boring, would you have preferred more background or did you feel drowned in facts, was the language good or bad, etc.
Prisoner Of Maiden said:
arg that sounds painful poor kid what did he do??

He just broke it one too many times--- or in just the right/wrong place.

@Per-- I hear, and will be reading today.
Well.... I think you told me once how high your taxes were.  I would say the same thing.  Its not perfect, and it can be expensive-- when my kids were younger, between my son and daughters arms/pneumonia/etc, i was around 15k in the hole to medical debt.  But, I was only paying, what?  $2k a year in taxes?  It is a give and take, there, I suspect.  I don't know that, right now, I would trust my govt enough to pay them more taxes and assume that my health care is going to work out right.  What happens when its like Social Security, and I'm still paying high taxes, but they can't pay for my medical care?  I dunno....maybe I'm too cynical ...
The US gov't has a long history of fucking things up.  But universal health care is successfully run by every other country out there, pal, at least the modern western ones.  And it works much better, in that there's no competition, people don't have to worry about losing their medicare.  Yeah, sure I pay more in taxes.  But what happens if you or your wife loses their job or their insurance.

Two words:

You're fucked.

That never, ever happens here.  Nobody is fucked.
OH, sure, I agree... I hope I didn't come off as invalidating what you have going on up north.  I agree that it does work in many other places.  Its just here that it makes me nervous.  Now, something I'm not proud of, but if either of us (or both) lost our jobs, there is state funded medicare available.  Something that, when first with a child and no job, I had to rely upon.  I am curious to see how this ends up being presented to us, tho, this new health care system.  The current one is a giant cluster fuck.  25-45% of all patients never pay their bills, so doctors have to charge more to the ones that do, and to the insurance companies, which raise their rates and/or drop clients.  Its a horrible situation that is spiraling out of control (possibly is completely out of control, but that may only be seen from a different perspective or retrospectively).
It's worse than that.

Doctors do procedures that aren't necessary to overcharge medicaid/medicare.  Insurance companies limit life-saving procedures (death panels already exist!).  It's just...horseshit.  I hope the US gets it fixed.  But the right is so angry....