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I don't think there's anything wrong with Cash for Clunkers - is it not getting old cars off the road and putting cash in people's pockets?
There is nothing wrong with the concept of it .... and many of the benefits of it; yet it is another step on the road that is leading The United States into some very dangerous territory.
I don't have a problem with it exactly, but it seems a little....odd.  it does increase national fuel economy, it does stimulate sales, and helps out people that have value-less cars.  However, I often wonder if the gov't would have done that if they weren't now 'owners' of GM (jokingly called Government Motors, now).  We talk about welfare reform, health care reform, and education reform, but now we have spent, what?  A billion dollars in one month?  Like Deano says, feels dangerous.
Deano said:
There is nothing wrong with the concept of it .... and many of the benefits of it; yet it is another step on the road that is leading The United States into some very dangerous territory.

I wish we'd do it here.  Getting old cars off the road is important.  What dangerous territory do you refer to?
I'm making an assumption, on Deano, but for me, it is the 'throwing money at a problem' issue.  Now, I know that owning a car can be expensive, and getting old 'clunkers' off the road is a good idea.  However, states like Missouri have a yearly inspection.  Autos have to pass tests from proper turnsignals to proper exhaust, etc.  So, as a state, they are trying to keep cars safe.  Some cars shouldn't pass inspection and should be junked or fixed.  It seems that by getting states to implement programs like that, they will spend less money and get a better, wider response.  Buying car sales is just a short term option, which rarely helps in the long term.
My thought on such a thing is that it's probably the best of a sometimes lousy bunch.  Congress is trying to find ways to get the US population spending money again, and giving them a down payment for a new car loan helps.  I agree that there has been a lot of wasted money, both now and in the past.  And I hope that someday someone figures out how to fix that.

When it comes to motor vehicle inspections, I think they're a thing of the fucking past.  Car breakdowns cause less than 1% of accidents and almost no fatal ones.
It's not the accidents that I'm looking to reduce (tho always a good idea)-- its the crappy cars fixed.  Cars with bad exhaust, windshields, bad/worn shocks and tires-- keep them off the road. 
I'll just leave this here....

Good one!!  Hadn't read the one about Ray til today... 100% agree!  I was very happy to see him hoist the cup that year. 
He was awesome!  I was never a real Boston fan, but I do have respect for the good players in the league.  He was one of the guys I'd always root for.  Hell, I'd have pulled for him if he was on the Blackhawks or the Redwings.  (tho just him ;))
Well, that's how it needs to be.  You pull for the good guys.  Like in 2004, I was pulling for Calgary but watching Dave Andreychuk win the Cup for the first time was quite the nice consolation prize.
Yeah, its guys like that, that play cause they love to play, that you just have to root for.  I'll give that to the NHL over the NFL any day, there aren't as many prima donnas there. 
Well, I couldn't imagine not wanting a guy like Jarome Iginla to win, even if he was up against the Habs in the Finals.  Sure, I'd want Montreal to win more, but if Jarome hoisted the cup...well.  It would be a moment in hockey history.