Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I'm gonna go to hell.  If it exists.

Me: Hey, Stephen Hawking just won the Presidential Medal of Freedom!
Adam: What does that even mean?
Me: I dunno.  Probably doesn't mean he'll walk again.
Prisoner Of Maiden said:
Ya I run a fair bit but I hurt it playing rugby, some asshole decided to go for my knees after I passed the ball(don't blame him I have freaking  giraffe legs). It use to hurt when I ran on it. Now I just stretch out my leg for about 5 minutes beforehand and put on a small sleeve that keeps every thing nice and tight.

Damn that Publicly-funded health care in Canada. :P

What do you think of that Shona Holmes?

MisterAJ said:
Got one of those myself...

Went to the Doc the other day, had this lump of fat or something under my earlobe... (no biggy really)
Except it's started to get infected, and I couldn't take care of it myself without using a knife, and with all the arteries
in that general area, and me not being a very skilled surgeon, I went to him to get him to do it...

He said: "We'll just poke a hole in it, no need for stitches..."
Offered me local anesthetic, I said needle probably hurt as much as the poke itself, just fucking do it...
He did... told me to hang around for 10-15 min., to make sure the bleeding stopped...
I did, and then I discovered that he'd done a shitty job, the lump was still there...
He went at it again, no anesthetic, just a poke... slapped on a bandage and told me to wear it for 2-3 hours...

When I removed it... Yeah, thats right, the fucking lump was still there...

Today I'm going to another doctor... hopefully one who knows what (s)he's doing...

Hope it is not serious.
I would declare my evening as 'unfulfilling'.  Drinking tequila with a, believe it or not, married woman.  Which brings me home playing Call Of Duty 5 online.  Which, interestingly enough, is pretty fulfilling by itself, due to my new, increased, up to 3mg speed internet!!  And the movies I can stream from netflix!!

Drinking on Friday nights isn't a great idea, when I hafta get up to work the following morn...
Perun said:
Man, lying in bed on a Saturday evening really sucks.
Drove downtown in the rain nine-thirty on a Tuesday night,
just to check out the late-night record shop.
Call it impulsive, call it compulsive, call it insane;
but when I'm surrounded I just can't stop.

It's a matter of instinct, it's a matter of conditioning,
It's a matter of fact.
You can call me Pavlov's dog
Ring a bell and I'll salivate- how'd you like that?
Dr. Landy tell me you're not just a pedagogue,
cause right now I'm

Lying in bed just like Brian Wilson did
Well I'm lying in bed just like Brian Wilson did.

So I'm lying here, just staring at the ceiling tiles.
and I'm thinking about what to think about.
Just listening and relistening to Smiley Smile,
and I'm wondering if this is some kind of creative drought
because I am


And if you want to find me I'll be out in the sandbox,
wondering where the hell all the love has gone.
Playing my guitar and building castles in the sun,
and singing "Fun, Fun, Fun."


I had a dream that I was three hundred pounds
and though I was very heavy,
I floated 'til I couldn't see the ground
I floated 'til I couldn't see the ground
Somebody help me, I couldn't see the ground
Somebody help me, I couldn't see the ground
Somebody help me because I'm


Drove downtown in the rain nine-thirty on a Tuesday night.
Just to check out the late-night record shop.
Call it impulsive, call it compulsive, call it insane;
but when I'm surrounded I just can't stop.