Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

You need to get laid.

I need to get laid.

Well, I'm going to play a game where I murder lots of people.
Random complaint about iTunes: the rating system is broken!

The software supports half-star ratings, but provides no way to create them in iTunes. You have to either edit the library file by hand or result to 3rd-party scripts which do it for you. Either way, it's a pain in the ass.
Wasted CLV said:
Wow, what a pain in the ass for you.  Gotta love paperwork!!

And, yeah, over prescribed.  Tho, finally got her to a specialist and she is getting tonsils out right before Labor Day weekend. 

I had those taken out at age seven or so.  The best part and only good part was eating chocolate coated baby food for like a month.
Prisoner Of Maiden said:
wow sounds exactly like my doctor, I had to wait 2 hours last time to get a paperwork done for physiotherapy. He said the you "don't have to worry about that, you're young" when my knee was 4 times the size of the other one <_<.

Oh, damn you're Canadian too.  :innocent:

Are you a runner?  I just went to the doc today about my knee.  It basically hurts when I run uphill.  The pain is more of a nuisance than anything but I don't want it to get worse.

Anyway, I waited 41 minutes to see her.  The appointment took 6 min.
My knee is just the opposite... I have done some wierd things to it 3 times now, and it hurts on a regular basis-- unless I'm running, then it feels better.  Eh, such is life, huh? 

Did you get a good answer? 
I got what I expected -- an appointment with a specialist.  Or rather my family doc will arrange an appointment and then she'll tell me when it is. 
Ha ha!!  orthopedics, enjoy that!  I've been through about 4 of them over the last 15 years.  With 4 dif answers. 
Yeah I may wear a prosthesis.  The thing is if I don't run, I may not need it.  But I don't wanna just sit home and get out of shape.  I used to go to the gym, but that's gotten really boring. 
Genghis Khan said:
I had those taken out at age seven or so.  The best part and only good part was eating chocolate coated baby food for like a month.
Oh, damn you're Canadian too.  :innocent:

Are you a runner?  I just went to the doc today about my knee.  It basically hurts when I run uphill.  The pain is more of a nuisance than anything but I don't want it to get worse.

Anyway, I waited 41 minutes to see her.  The appointment took 6 min.

Ya I run a fair bit but I hurt it playing rugby, some asshole decided to go for my knees after I passed the ball(don't blame him I have freaking  giraffe legs). It use to hurt when I ran on it. Now I just stretch out my leg for about 5 minutes beforehand and put on a small sleeve that keeps every thing nice and tight.

Damn that Publicly-funded health care in Canada. :P
Genghis Khan said:
I have a new family doctor.  She is better than my old, half-senile, 70 plus year old man whose answer to everything was essentially "you don't have to worry about that, you're young."
Wasted CLV said:
Ha ha, classic!!  My kids doctor says "Well, I just treat everything like an infection, so here are some anti-biotics."  -- so far this year my daughter has had (or been diagnosed with) strep 6 times. 

Got one of those myself...

Went to the Doc the other day, had this lump of fat or something under my earlobe... (no biggy really)
Except it's started to get infected, and I couldn't take care of it myself without using a knife, and with all the arteries
in that general area, and me not being a very skilled surgeon, I went to him to get him to do it...

He said: "We'll just poke a hole in it, no need for stitches..."
Offered me local anesthetic, I said needle probably hurt as much as the poke itself, just fucking do it...
He did... told me to hang around for 10-15 min., to make sure the bleeding stopped...
I did, and then I discovered that he'd done a shitty job, the lump was still there...
He went at it again, no anesthetic, just a poke... slapped on a bandage and told me to wear it for 2-3 hours...

When I removed it... Yeah, thats right, the fucking lump was still there...

Today I'm going to another doctor... hopefully one who knows what (s)he's doing...
Doctors...I just found out this morn that my daughter has strep.  A-fucking-gain.  Hopefully this won't stop the surgery she has in a few weeks, since it took me 2+months to get her in for this one.