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Hell yeah! Who doesn't. I figure I've missed my window but I am going to apply at NASA when I'm done with the USMC. I am hoping that they will at least launch my dead body out of the solar system on a probe when the time comes.
Oh yeah, I intend to try.  And hopefully get reincarnated by another civilization a billion years from now.
I'm watching From The Earth To The Moon, the third episode, about Apollo 7, the first successful mission of the Apollo program.
I have a new family doctor.  She is better than my old, half-senile, 70 plus year old man whose answer to everything was essentially "you don't have to worry about that, you're young."
Ha ha, classic!!  My kids doctor says "Well, I just treat everything like an infection, so here are some anti-biotics."  -- so far this year my daughter has had (or been diagnosed with) strep 6 times. 
Overprescribed, eh? 

My old (pun intended) doc hated it when I brought something that needed signing.  You think other doctor's have bad writing?!  He'd get his twenty-something secretary to do it instead and bitch and moan about useless paperwork.  There are still jokes about that between myself and some of my friends who still go there.

When I went to college in the States, I'd needed to have a tuberculosis test done.  Since I was injected with a BCG vaccine at birth, I'd always show positive for TB.  The doc needed to fill a full page of info in order for me to attend the school.  :D
Wow, what a pain in the ass for you.  Gotta love paperwork!!

And, yeah, over prescribed.  Tho, finally got her to a specialist and she is getting tonsils out right before Labor Day weekend. 
Well, now I have fired up the first episode of "John Adams", starring Paul Giamatti.  Fucking fantastic so far.
^^I heard that was pretty good.

Albie said:
OK, how about a mix up of "The Clairvoyant" and "The Prisoner":

"The Prisoner". :D

Not very imaginative, I know. And pretty lame as well.

You know 'The Clairvoyant Prisoner' would be pretty cool!!
You mean, a prisoner on death row that could "see" that he'd be taken to the gallow's pole at 5 o'clock the next morning?

Hallowed be thy albatros.

The moral of the story is, you should be "Afraid To Shoot Seabirds".
Genghis Khan said:
I have a new family doctor.  She is better than my old, half-senile, 70 plus year old man whose answer to everything was essentially "you don't have to worry about that, you're young."

wow sounds exactly like my doctor, I had to wait 2 hours last time to get a paperwork done for physiotherapy. He said the you "don't have to worry about that, you're young" when my knee was 4 times the size of the other one <_<.
Person: If you won the lotto, you could hold a party!
Me: Well, the lotto's not that big here...I couldn't fly in everyone.
Person: The beauty of dreams is that they're endless.
Me: Some people live to crush dreams.
Person: So don't invite them!
Me: Well, I wouldn't invite Gary Bettman anyway...