Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

It's not a Catch 22 - it's just that the US people don't like the big guvmint.
Oh, Iowa is putting their atheist bus ads back up.  I guess bitching the SOBs out helped.
LooseCannon said:
It's not a Catch 22 - it's just that the US people don't like the big guvmint

for me its not specifically 'big guvmint', but more of wasteful gov't.  Which, in most of the eyes of people I know equates to the same thing.  Not saying that is true.  It seems Catch 22 ish, cause more money must be spent to curtail spending in a wasteful welfare system.  But, that is how it goes.  Spend money up front to (hopefully) stop or reduce spending later.

Oh, Iowa is putting their atheist bus ads back up.  I guess bitching the SOBs out helped.

Woo Hoo!!!  Good job!!!
Government can be small and effective, especially in today's world...gov't officials don't need three clerks to do paperwork, 'cause a simple computer can do it.

However, ruling majority always prefers big and clumsy administration. If you want something, you've got the majority to do it. If you don't, you've got slow bureocracy machine to do it's job.

In any case, i'm sitting in my confortable chair, smoking p*t, listening to Pink Floyd, and wondering of a world goverment ran by a computer system with opensourced hardware and software.
I've spent my 2009 summer vacation here;

LooseCannon said:
I bought this shirt today:

Bugger me, I love it. :D

And as for having a whinge about people - well, how about how stupidly fickle sports fans can be. England are currently playing the Australians at cricket for the oldest international trophy in the game - The Ashes. After the draw of the first test and then England winning the second, the third became another stalemate - but England were, overall, on top. Then in the fourth (which finished early this afternoon), England where comprehensively beaten. I don't think there was much shame in it as The Aussies, by all accounts, played out of their skin and England had a bad day at the office - but everyone is going on about how spineless the English are and how embarrassed they are about the team as a whole. The very same folk that were full of praise of England after the victory at Lords a few weeks back. Unbelievable.
Zare said:

I've spent my 2009 summer vacation here;

I've spent my July vacation here -->

August it will be here --->

September here --->

I've found it better to take every time 10 days off, it makes the summer seem longer

Natalie said:
I would just like to express my gladness on the death of the album alimination thread. :)

profile of Natalie said:
Is happy that the album
elimination thread is dead

ha! Nice idea Natalie  :bigsmile:
I actually agree with you.  Or, 2 years of service, period.  Local community shelters...there's lots of options as to what can be done.

The problem is that the US is always getting into these war things.
Hey Quetzalcoatlus, that's some sweet places you're going for vacation. I'm a little bit jealous :).

Also, I'm just reflecting my state of mind through my profile quote, after all it has been a little more than a year since that Maiden concert and it's about time I write something new don't you think?