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Deano said:
If anything had been re-enforced and consolidated on this trip, it is my total disinterest and complete lack of understanding for cricket. Just play baseball damnit! It makes much more sense.
What, Cricket makes no sense? Cricket is simple. Quite possibly the third best sport on the planet. :D
I like the sound of Maylasia.  Good call.  Now Deano is sleeping (or the room is spinning)...we have to wait...

OK, good guesses all guys! I made it back home safe by the way, which is important because I did say where I was staying was interesting.
Country: Indonesia
City: Jakarta
Hotel: JW Marriott

If you are keeping up with current events like I know you are you will see the significance of that stay. Very interesting indeed.
I didn't leave the hotel except to go to the embassy. Wanted to get home alive and all and traffic really, REALLY sucks there.
Yeah, security was tight and the entrance was a mess. For some reason it's a prime target for bombings over there.
LooseCannon said:
Oh no, it's Hitler!!


:bigsmile: nice photo Loose!
Ever get to the point where you are sick of all fucking humans?  This week has been all I want of people.  I'm going home to hide in my basement for the rest of the weekend.

A question:  Has our society (USA is all i know) created a generational class of welfare?  Used to be when dad was a miner/banker/farmer, the kids would take up that family business.  It seems to me, from where I live, that we have people that are now 2nd and 3rd (or more) generation welfare reciepiants. 
Welfare is a really really interesting issue.  Even in Canada, where welfare is rather more expansive than in the USA, we have the same questions.  Personally, I think that generational welfare use is based on education more than anything else.
Well, I think you are right-- to an extent.  However, it seems that there are many people around here that are happy with nothing other than their gov't assisted rent and basic cable.  I know a woman that has used it her whole life, and whenever her husband gets a raise, she knows how many hours he needs to cut back on to keep up her gov't assistance.  And she has a college degree as well as her husband.
Exactly.  People have to be taught to be proud and to try; it is a lot easier to sit on your ass and get a welfare cheque than it is to get out there and get turned down for a job, etc.
That is also true.  The whole thing frosts me.  I know why welfare is there, I think it is a worthwhile system, but it is so abused.  AS well as the disability system.  We have guys that are on disability, not working at all, riding around on brand new motorcycles.  I dig that someone may not be able to work due to a disability, but if you can ride a motorcycle around all day, cant you work??  (maybe I'm missing something there)
I suppose it depends on their disability, though motorcycle riding is a rather more physically demanding activity than driving, for instance.  I dunno, welfare needs incentives to get off, which means expanding the program.  And you know what that means..."Big guv'mint!!"