Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I read it, I like it alot. That's why I'll be going to LC for collaboration on my kick ass stroy ideas. He will write most of the words' I will contribute whenver "the " is necessary. Should I go to drunk posting? Somethig tells me I should .... bastards!  :D
I'm back...just a deep thought....   by the wat Trannsformer 2 sucked. My opinion. I'm sorry I started the thraed now.
Figure it out yet LC? I won't tell until I.m done but I can honestly say that I have never stayed in a more interesting place that is ... lets say interesting. Sorry , you guys are sober.... I'm hitting my head on the keyboard. Bwahahahah
Well, I listed some possible countries.  The only place I see in the list I'd go for is, of course, the Baikonur Cosmodrome.  But that's not to say I'm not missing a hint.
Haha, I agree with your agreement Wasted. Perhaps you missed a clue with the happy ending LC. Wasted has it.
Cuould be, but it's not my friend. If that were the case I would diasppear and never be heard from again. Close though... not quite interesting enough.
No but let me stress that the rules of the game deamnd EXACTLY where I'm staying. Country is good city is better, anything more would make you a master, Follow Wasted, he has the best clue yet. Either way, your suspense will be lifted in less that 24 hours. You guys are the best...I wouldn'yt talk to you otherwise.
Good job LC and Wasted, I must tell you now Terima Kasih for your conversation, I'm off to bed warriors. Enjoy your day.

By the way, keep trying.... I di say intersting didn't I . None that you listed are.