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Des Moines.  one of the Hick capitals of the midwest.  Tho, while doing all my ins training, I found a couple really good bars there!!  one really nice micro-brew...oh, I'd love to go there this weekend!!!
Wow! I don't think those sentiments have ever been uttered before.... I wish I could be in Des Moines. Hey Wasted, who won the race Monday?
Nah, a group of Iowans posted an ad on busses saying "Don't believe in god?  You're not alone".  And the locals took a huge shit, the bus group pulled the ad.
Denny Hamlin won!!!!!!!  50 race streak he broke!!!!!

And, yeah, Des Moines isn't great, but it is better than where I am at-- tho ST Louis or KC is much more fun.

Wow, LC, I hadn't heard that... Iowa is a weird state, votes blue as a whole, but huge pockets of red all over it. 
I do remember a time when Americans had freedom of speach, Hmmm, seems like not all that long ago.

Denny won?!? No shit! and I missed it. oh well, I wouldn't trade this trip for the world.

Now the important question: Should I drink a Carlsberg before bed?
Yes, Deano, you should.

And hahaha, good for Denny.

And yeah.  I guess people seem to think you can't offend anymore.  I posted a lot about that awhile ago.
Political correctness will eventually kill the radio star. damn! Why are we so fucked up? Not you LC, the other "we". So I guess that's a yes on the Carlsberg.... thanks, I'll be up a bit longer to chat with you chaps.

Well, I'm all for calling people a name they want, like African-American, that's fine.  But we shouldn't be afraid to offend people.  Being afraid to offend gives the person who is offended the right to institute silence, and silence = tyranny.
Exactly LC. Somewhere we have gone severly wrong. I fear what that may bring in the the future. By the way my friend (I can't tell you now) but you will shit when I tell you exactly where I am at the moment later.
You're prolly right Deano.  I will shit.

Yeah, that is why I am starting to take a louder stance.  The same thing happened in Halifax, which is too close to home.
Wasted, you know the problems we have now. The biggest being that the stupid assholes that are forcing this unecessary and harmful crap down our mouths are, themselves, the worst offenders in "political correctness" in their private lives. That, people, is NOT an opinion, I have seen it first hand.

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Hell yeah! Haven't seen that in a while.
Bahahahahaha.  Jon Stewart is welcoming Clinton back to the international scene.  "Big Dog is back!!" accompanied by the theme to Shaft.

Yeah, Deano.  People who often want us to shut up about certain things have an ulterior motive for it.
Deano said:
Wasted, you know the problems we have now. The biggest being that the stupid assholes that are forcing this unecessary and harmful crap down our mouths are, themselves, the worst offenders in "political correctness" in their private lives. That, people, is NOT an opinion, I have seen it first hand.

Yeah, dude, I know what you mean.  Nothing frustrates me more than the 'church on sunday and asshole the rest of the week' type of person.  That goes for more than church, but I think you catch my drift.  

LooseCannon said:
Bahahahahaha.  Jon Stewart is welcoming Clinton back to the international scene.  "Big Dog is back!!" accompanied by the theme to Shaft.

Yeah, Deano.  People who often want us to shut up about certain things have an ulterior motive for it.

I heard a comedian say something about how only Clinton can go somewhere and bring back two women.
Only Bill Clinton could fly into Pyongyang and pick up the only two US chicks in the country.  If there was anyone else...

And now I am watching the MSNBC with Orly Taitz about the birther bullshit.  That woman is batshit loco.
Most public officials are just so far out of reality and punch drunk mad that they don't even notice what it is they are doing. More importantly, they don't care...and they don't have to. Your statement (3) ago, is interesting. Maybe it's time to break out "mindcrime" hey? Canada is going the same route huh? See? I didn't have any great love for Bush but he was NOT the problem people said he was.

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I love you guys, I'm not just saying that.  :wub:
Well, Bush was a problem, but he wasn't all the problems, mate  I agree with that.  It's the whole assembly.

In Canada, the courts actually ruled that they had to run the ads.  But there have been some other bullshit with regards to human rights commissions and such.
LooseCannon said:
The Obama-is-born-in-Kenya idiots.

Christ.  still?

Deano said:
Most public officials are just so far out of reality and punch drunk mad that they don't even notice what it is they are doing. More importantly, they don't care...and they don't have to. Your statement (3) ago, is interesting. Maybe it's time to break out "mindcrime" hey? Canada is going the same route huh? See? I didn't have any great love for Bush but he was NOT the problem people said he was.

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I love you guys, I'm not just saying that.  :wub:

You'r not getting my budl-lite, johnny!  ...seriously, nice to see you back!!!

LooseCannon said:
Well, Bush was a problem, but he wasn't all the problems, mate  I agree with that.  It's the whole assembly.

In Canada, the courts actually ruled that they had to run the ads.  But there have been some other bullshit with regards to human rights commissions and such.

Agreed, the problems are legion.