Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Yeah, they claimed they found his Kenyan birth certificate.  Problem is that it was a fake, and a hilariously obvious one.  The registration number was 47O44 (that's an O, not a 0), and it was dated January of 1964 in the Republic of Kenya, in a city that at the time belonged to Rhodesia, when Kenya was a British colony until December of 1964.  It made me lol.
I disagree, I believe that Cheney was more the problem and that Bush was, in the last 6 years anyway, the "puppet". For instance: we have heard more dissention from Chaney on the current administration than we ever heard from him in office. My reply to that is; why didn't HE run for President then? it IS traditional after all for the VP of a 2 term President to run. Screw the health argument too... and the fact that he is not electable. If he were that passionate, he would have thrown his hat in the ring. History will let Bush off the hook, I honestly know that he just didn't have the balls to run his owm administration. THAT was his fault.

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Damn you guys are on fire. Think I might open another Carlsberg.... I WILL dedicate it to the 2 of you of course.
I have information, information, information...... who are you?
It would take a lot to let Bush off the hook, even if he was only content in being a puppet.  In order for him to get completely let off the hook, he'd have to have turned out to be mentally retarded.  Which is possible, but unlikely.  Incompetence is no excuse for being a poor president.  Cheney was certainly a huge part of the problem, and I agree he held way too much power over the administration.

Cheney probably never wanted to be the fall guy for the whole thing.  But he is going to end up hated, that is for sure.  At least Bush was personable.  Cheney never was.
This whole discussion reminds me that I have the entire John Adams miniseries (starring Paul Giametti as Adams) to watch.  I've been looking forward to watching it eventually.
That's for sure. LC, remember, I have intimate knowlegde that I am pledged not to reveal, let's juat leave it at that. I'll post forever, you know the deal more alcohol = less care... I'd like to review this page one day and witness my deteriation.

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One day we WILL get together to p[arty!
That's my formal tone.  I've really found it to be lacking lately...it's why I really started working on my blog again.  I want to keep my ability to write, even though I am outside of school.
I'll just move to Canada eh? I'll watch it give me a scond. Damn, I'm getting trashed, it's been an every other day thing. Last day of the trip noe.

I love the way LC writes too, makes me lond for yesterday. Figure that out yahoos.  :lol:

Write more of your Lone Ranger tale, I eagerly await more... perhaps you should release it as a serial?
I haven't picked at it recently.  I'm working on plotting out a little more, actually...I'll probably go at it hard in November again.
What really upsets me about the whole thing is that the atheists weren't asking anyone to NOT believe in god.  They just were telling the other atheists that they aren't alone.  How is that offensive?  It's only offensive if you don't want atheists to speak at all...
You should also read the story set in the near future... tho that one has left me hanging for almost a year.  Sort of like the time I waited 9 years for Robert Aspirin to write the last in the MYTH series... :innocent:

Glad you are having a good time getting drunk!!!  

LC, I dig what you are saying, about keeping up your skills.  I'm thinking of taking a class or two this fall to keep up.
Good deal, I still look forward to our collaboration. I have great ideas, just give me 5 more years to finish off this job OK?

What's set in the near future Wasted? I'm currently polishing off Threat from the Sea

I think we have a good study on the affects of alcohol on reaction time, I can't keep up. However, at least I'm drunk, nanana na nana
So that puts you in GMT +6, eh?


Also in GMT +6 - Baikonur Cosmodrome!
I knew if I gave you enough clues you would start to figure it out LC, let's see if you can get it. Give us a go up.
LooseCannon said:
Which story is that, Wasted?

The ex-marine bar tender that ended up in a detention camp and was digging his way out with a tin cup converted to a shovel, under the chapel.  it's been a while since i read that, so the details could be a little off...

Deano said:
Good deal, I still look forward to our collaboration. I have great ideas, just give me 5 more years to finish off this job OK?

What's set in the near future Wasted? I'm currently polishing off Threat from the Sea

I think we have a good study on the affects of alcohol on reaction time, I can't keep up. However, at least I'm drunk, nanana na nana

LC wrote a story... it was pretty good, but didn' end...yet.
Well, it puts you in either Mid-Russia, Kazahkstan (east), Kyrgyzstan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, or in the Bay of Bengal.

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Yeah, that one.  It sorta fell by the wayside, I lost my impetus for it.  I will review it soon, that might kick it into gear.