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Weren't there chairs like that on the 'Ancient Starships' that the drifters (or whatever they were called) had?
Well, it's all a moot point... I'm not going to Antartica anytime soon. Perhaps a Maidenfans expedition is in order?
You don't know that.  You could end up stationed at McMurdo.

Wasted, yeah.  But the drifter's ancient ship was destroyed when the Lost Tribe of the Asgard forced MacKay and Jackson to activate the Antero Device and the stargate on the drifters' planet asploded.
No, there was tons of Asurian ones they blew up when they took them out, and there was the one they found on another planet they called Orion.  But I know there was at least one more command chair, on that planet where there was another ancient city, and the ruling class had the ATA gene and used the chair to oppress the people with drones.  When their ZPM died Atlantis traded for their drones, I'm sure they could get the chair too.
Oh, yeah!  I remember that one.  How about the planet that had the 'girl queen' where all the mini-drones were?  Of course, that may have been just a test facility, similar to the one that had the weapon that Rodney turned on (that shot everything in orbit).  Ah, the fun that series could have had.
Do you remember the episode where Rodney and Sheppard were playing the Civilization-style game that actually controlled 2 societies?
Yeah, that was epic!  They showed up and there were flags that had Rodney's face on them!  Each society had some sort of control room where they received their instructions.  Eventually, I'll have all 5 seasons on DVD.  Personally, I really enjoyed all the pop-culture references.  How bout the one that locked down Atlantis?  John and Teyla were trapped in a tower, John remembered Rodney's code, cause it was, what... Newton's bday, DaVinci's bday, Rodney's bday, and '42', the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything... god, I laughed at Teyla's face for that answer!
Hahahahaha, I remember that one.  Yeah, they were great.  Cheesy episodes, but they were really good.  Did you see the Vegas episode where Sheppard was a LV cop in an alternate universe where a wraith was loose?
Ha ha!  Yes!  I was just thinking about that one this morn; that is where I first heard 'The Beautiful People'... that one was pretty good.  The parts with Rodney and Zelenka-- ha ha!
ohyeah, so true.  Hahaha, great shows.  Or the one where they killed Michael, where it started and they were racing rc cars, I always thought that was hilarious.
Oh, yeah, forgot about the car race!  Didn't they end the show doing that as well?  They almost hit Teyla while they were racing if I recall...
Yeah, she was walking her kid at the time.  Did you know originally they were going to have Rodney knock that redhead from biology up, but they had to scrap the storyline when Rachel Luttrell got pregnant?
I didn't know that!  That's the girl that named the plant after him, right?  They were trapped when Atlantis was in lock-down.  She just kinda disappeared outta the pic.  Tho, I like Jewel better...
Yeah, the chick who named the plant after him.  And I think we all liked Jewel better, I thought the love triangle with Keller, McKay, and Ronon was one of the better storylines of the fifth season.

Tho I did like the episode where Rodney was hallucinating Carter and she ended up in just a bra, that was kinda awesome.
Yeah, when he was in the jumper at the bottom of the ocean!  Good epi, that one.  You know, Keller was really good (IMO) but reading some of the scifi.com forums, there were a lot of haters there.  Their loss.  Becket was great, and I thot the epi he died in was fantastic. But his character being written out of the show is no reason to hate Keller (as a fan). 
Especially since the actor requested to be written out so he could try out for movies.  I mean, that was his call, and he was sure glad to get the work back on Stargate when he didn't hit it big.  Too bad, he's not a bad actor at all, but it was really weird seeing him in Star Trek without a Scottish brogue!