Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I have a pretty good book on the Siege of Malta.  It was really an interesting if particularly violent battle.
Pineapple Hunter said:
Guess that'll teach you for underestimating the Minister, punk. :P


In other news, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is a damn good movie. Val Kilmer is especially brilliant. Watch it! All of you!


I was told its not 'the Minister', but 'The Minister'!  :D

LC, see, I got in 7 solid hours of sleep, after doing 6 loads of laundry, packing all my shit for my trip, and an hour (or so) of killing terrorists online!
<The Minister looks down with satisfaction upon his subjects.>

I hereby declare today to be Megadeth Day. All of you, my loyal minions, are hereby instructed (and required) to listen to some Megadeth today.
In that regard, now playing:  Megadeth, Symphony of Destruction.  Granted, it is possibly one of the more 'mainstream' songs, but I like it!
I'm stuck with the radio til I get into the car-- i had my Mac out this morn, burning off some cd's for guys here, but it is tucked away, nice and safe now.

To anyone that may know or care:  has anyone ever tried those black cd-r's?  I tried some this morn, and they wouldn't work.
Ok, good.  My friend brought some in, and i tried 3 of them, but the drive wouldn't read them.  So, I made him go buy a good cd-r.
Yay, I got two hours at home before going back to school after 24 hours without sleep!

I'm going to revise my statement. This week drags longer than The Horse Whisperer.
I just wrote my usual D-Day post on one of my forums, to see if I can draw in any idiots to smash with my huge intellect.

Also, I've started to put my Malta thing together.
What Malta thing, Loosey?

Today I'll try to catch a glimp of the D-Day ceremony, which can be followed live, here (though I'm afraid people outside the Netherlands can't watch that channel. :/), from 3 pm CET.