Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I opened this somehow thinking that it was the Now Playing thread...  Well, now that I'm here I might as well say Slayer - Flesh Storm.
Perun said:
In vaguely related news, I heard the other day that you're not allowed to go to Iran via motorcycle, because you'd be faster than the police (which, incidentally, is polis in Persian).

And it's a mighy dangerous region... especially west and east of Iran:
That map doesn't give credit to the fact that there are right-wing and left-wing activities in Germany. Particularly right-wing terror is on the rise. They may not blow up bridges or aeroplanes (anymore/yet), but neo-nazi groups are responsible for many cases of severe assaults especially on foreigners and Jews. That is terrorism, in my opinion.
Still your country is indicated as: elevated threat. And Berlin and Frankfiurt are indicated as cities at particular risk. Perhaps there the most incidents happen?
That sounds fun.  I am working.  :down:  but, only one day til I take the kids to KCMO for the weekend!!

...last night, I played COD4 online until 2am, then got up at 7 to come into work. 
I've always liked the long ending to that movie. I think the Grey Havens scene wasn't especially great, but Aragorn's coronation scene was perfect.
It's better with the extended editions, too.  Simply because the pace of the ending is more on pace with the extended version of the film.

I always cry when the Rohirrim show at the Field of the Pelennor.  Every time.
No, it's not.  The movie itself is, but the ending is the same.  It helps the pacing of the ending fit with the movie better - instead of a half-hour at the end of a 3.5 hrs movie, it's a half-hour at the end of a 4.5 hrs movie.