lets discuss some underrated tunes.

p4warrior said:
Seems kind of pointless to drop huge lists of "underrated" tunes.  These guys are hugely popular you know, and most fans appreciate those songs.

I was more hoping to see people discussing favourite tunes and having cerebral talks about what songs are overrated and why.....but. As you can see, that ain't happening.
LooseCannon said:
I was more hoping to see people discussing favourite tunes and having cerebral talks about what songs are overrated and why.....but. As you can see, that ain't happening.

Hmm...than why not open a topic about overrated tunes?
Forostar said:
Yeah, very underrated. I constantly read negative comments about this masterpiece, and Maiden often refused to play this song. It all started in 1986. From then on we didn't hear it until 1999, and then again someone thought it should be ignored between 2000 and 2007.  And (little tour spoiler)
now again!

I've seen some negative comments in the past about Powerslave and I never understood how anyone could dislike it. It's a very powerful song. Bruce resurrected it during the Accident of Birth and Chemical Wedding Tours from 1997-1998 and I was glad I finally heard it live during the Somewhere Back in Time Tour in 2008. I also made a point to play it at the pyramids when I was in Egypt back in January.
UpTheIrons said:
Several songs from SIT including but not limited to:
Deja Vu
Sea of Madness

Also, NPFTD album along with a couple of tracks off of FOTD like Chains of Misery
Ah yes, Chains of Misery is very underated and should've been played live. Dave's solos on that song are some of the best solos in Maiden history, no doubt about it.
p4warrior said:
Seems kind of pointless to drop huge lists of "underrated" tunes.  These guys are hugely popular you know, and most fans appreciate those songs.
It depends on one's point of view. I could care less about air play but it matters in some cases. It also depends on rather they were played live or not. Many of the songs I posted were never performed live so they never received the proper treatment they deserved, and some were dropped entirely after a tour or two. For example, Iron Maiden didn't play any Somewhere In Time songs from 2003 to 2008 and the one song they played in 2003, Heaven Can Wait, was cut from many setlists. Therefore, in some cases, no Somewhere In Time songs were played in some areas in the U.S from 1999 to 2008, that's a nine year period without hearing any of those songs live. Most of the album is disregarded as far as concerts and greatest hits albums go. We maybe lucky to hear one or two live and see one or two on a greatest hits package. The band didn't even release any live material from the Somewhere In Time Tour. No Prayer has also been disregarded except for Bring Your Daughter....to the Slaughter which was played live once again in 2003 and it was originally a Bruce solo song for a soundtrack. Invaders was never played live and Total Eclipse, although played live in 1982, wasn't even part of the main album until recently. In addition, no Blaze songs have been heard live since 2004, Brave New World to my understanding hasn't sold enough copies to even make gold (not that I care if people have lack of vision) and there is no live album for A Matter of Life and Death yet there is one for Dance of Death. I have also heard a lot of crap about some of the songs I posted from some people, especially about El Dorado and Satellite 15....The Final Frontier among the older songs  posted on Blabbermouth by closed minded fools who have once again, lack of vision. You asked me why I posted such a long list and once again, it's my point of view which was also based not only from the fact that some where never played live but also by the fact that some are unappreciated by some of the fans themselves.
Hmm, underated... I'd definitly say Purgatory is their most underrated single, by far! Fear is the key on the other hand I feel is underrated in a totally different way, it's not a top maiden song, but for me it certainly is a top third on the album. But almost noone ever comments on it, and if they do, it's in negative words, wich makes me think it falls into the underrated category. As a third and final I think the flight of Icarus is underrated, much in the same vein as purgatory, some people like it and it was a single, but a lot of hardcore Maiden fans don't give it much love, which I feel is a bit sad. especially the way Nico slightly touches the tom in an almost march-drum-esque fashion is brilliant. Anyway, that's my two cents. =)
Wasting Love is one of the best songs they've ever done. The song has so much passion and emotion in it, and it's got Janick's best solo! I suggest you guys go back and listen to it again. It's a really awesome song. I also like in the video that the dude gets to bang the angel too.
Still Life would have to be the most underrated Iron Maiden track ever. Also Dave Murray's best song by far.
   Totally agree here on "Still Life".  What a mesmerizing journey this song is.  Grab a good pair of noise canceling headphones and crank Still Life.  The music and lyrics will take your mind, heart, and imagination for a ride.  This is more than just a song.  It is a roller coaster. This is one of the tunes that separates Maiden from other acts.
Also underrated:

   The Prophecy- side note, on the Prophecy, the acoustic at the end of the track.  Holy crap.  The way it takes over as the main parts drift away? Unreal!!!  Extremely underrated tune.
I utterly agree about The Prophecy (the end is a nod to Sabbath's Heaven And Hell). Funny is that I'm just listening to Still Life.
  Just listening to the Prophecy as we speak.  The depth and quality is amazing.  That acoustic finish, oh man..........
The Prophecy has so many perfect melodies and so many guitar layers. This is one that live, with this line up, would just make some faint. Janick playing the harmony, and Davey and H doing all the duets. It just asks to be performed live.
  Definitely.  Seventh son to me is the only parallel to Piece of Mind for overall depth and quality.  Perfection.  I have a feeling Final Frontier will be right up there.  When you almost get lost in a 30 second sample, that is some high quality shi*!
Jeffmetal said:
I'm feeling The Final Frontier will be a real classic, to get ranked very high on my list.

I can't wait to listen to Satellite 15! That instrumental section may make Satellite 15...The Final Frontier the best opening track of the past 4 albums. The Final Frontier is already a great song as it is!
I'm kinda getting tired of seeing Still Life mentioned in an underrated list as number ne. It almost reinforces the underratedness of Invaders. I would wipe out my entire list and just put Invaders.
Prodigal Son... I'd go so far to say that Paul really doesn't get the chance the really let rip on it... imagine how good it would be, especially the last chorus, if he'd really let rip...

Love that song!
njgorrell said:
Prodigal Son... I'd go so far to say that Paul really doesn't get the chance the really let rip on it... imagine how good it would be, especially the last chorus, if he'd really let rip...

Love that song!

Jeffmetal said:
The Prophecy has so many perfect melodies and so many guitar layers. This is one that live, with this line up, would just make some faint. Janick playing the harmony, and Davey and H doing all the duets. It just asks to be performed live.

Giving it another listen now.  I've never cared for this track.  Trying to notice the elements you mention

A nice, contemplative track.  Good follow-up to the exhausting SSOAS song.  I think the timing always threw me off (3/4 or  6/8? Still don't know the difference), but upon a close listen the guitar layers, especially in the instrumental break, are superb.  Fade-out is second to none also.