lets discuss some underrated tunes.

"Lord of Light "-When i first listened to this song i thought it would become a classic.
"No more Lies"/"The reincarnation of BB". I put these 2 songs together because many people seem to dislike them while for me these 2 are essential Iron Maiden tracks, both dark and with slight occult references.
"Judas my guide"- a diamond in the mud (that is the FOTD album). Only seond to the title track from that album and much better than the overated ATSS.
"No prayer for the dying"- a fantastic emotional track (that reminds me of the general vibe of The final frontier album) that is ruined by Dickinson's vocals.

Almost all the songs from the X-Factor. It wasn't Blaze, it was the God-awful production with the paper thin guitar sound that really brought these songs down. I remember watching them live on the tour and being impressed by how much heavier and better these songs sounded live.Songs like "The Aftermath" and "Blood on the worlds hands" sounded like  jaggerrnauts live .
I'm dissapointed to see so few mention of 'Total Eclipse'. :( It's an excellent song that suffers from the affliction of being on the same album as 'Run to the Hills', 'The Number of the Beast' and 'Hallowed by thy Name'.

'To Tame a Land' is indeed, as one poster called it, a "forgotten epic". It's because of that song that I read Dune and everything after it, now it's my favourite book and I did my personal study on it for Higher English. One accquaintance of mine told me once that he doesn't like 'To Tame a Land' much so I recommended he read Dune to help him understand the song better. I don't think he ever did but the book certainly helped me appreciate the song more. :)

'The Edge of Darkness' is another song I don't think gets the credit it deserves. I wouldn't say that 'The X-Factor' is one of my favourite Maiden albums but it's a good quality album nevertheless, certainly better than the two previous albums in my opinion. The band adapted well to a different vocal style and 'The Edge of Darkness' is my second favourite song from that album behind 'The Sign of the Cross'. I wonder of the album would have been recieved differently if it hadn't said "Iron Maiden' on the cover.
Gotta be :

Caught Somewhere in Time
The Lonliness of the Long Distance Runner
To Tame A Land
Alexander The Great

At least on eof the 3 SIT tracks listed above need to be played live before Maiden finish touring
Underrated songs:

Fallen Angel
New Frontier
Public Enema No 1
Judas Be My Guide
Sun and Steel
Twilight Zone
Chains of Misery
Seriously Underrated Maiden Song

Iron Maiden - Chains of Misery

Can anybody actually remember this amazingly catchy Maiden tune from the album 'Fear of the Dark' ?
The ones that come to mind for me are:

The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
Strange World
Run Silent, Run Deep
Heaven Can Wait
Prodigal Son

But as somebody else said earlier, all their songs are under rated.
^^ I love CSIT too, I think the break-down into the solo section and then the absolutely seemless wind down back into the main riff is sublime, and like you say, is amongst the best examples of 'Perfect Maiden' as you will find.

There are so many underrated songs with Maiden I find because they have so many good songs, and the ones which are 'rated' I find are either the Cliche'd songs like RTTH which the casual fan likes, or the Epics such as Rime, Alexander, and Paschendale which us die-hards love. There is a lot of material inbetween, and everybody has their favourites, especially with a band that has so much good material out there.

My personal favourites which I would consider 'overlooked' or 'underrated' are:

Judas be my Guide- This song is incredibly catchy and has some excellent guitar work which sounds eerily similar to some later work by bands such as Trivium. I think this one has inspired later bands more than we may think.

Deja Vu- Fantastic riff and wonderful chorus, overlooked only because of the sheer quality of the songs surrounding it on SIT.

Mother Russia- Very nice song with some beautiful guitar work. I do think most of the songs on No Prayer are underrated. I love it when a Maiden song utilises elements of different cultures in it, such as the Egyptian feel of Powerslave, the Arabian-esque To Tame a Land, and the Ancient Greece-evoking Alexander the Great. This is no different.

To Tame a Land- Absolutely amazing song, and one I would reccomend anybody not familiar with earlier Maiden to listen to.

The Duellists- To label it as 'filler' is a little insulting of this, which I firmly believe features some of the very best guitar work the band has ever done. Flash of the Blade and Back in the Village, maybe 'filler' on Powerslave, but this is bloody brilliant  :)

75% Of Killers and Iron Maiden- Nuff said, the Dianno era is overlooked by many, which is a big mistake I feel as these are musically still up there with the very best of the Golden Era albums. In my opinion anyway  :blush:
How about Mercenary from BNW ? Heavily criticised for its basic lyrics and rather basic song structure. But it rocks! Especially as a song to drive to.