lets discuss some underrated tunes.

I'm surprised only one other person has mentioned The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner!

Sea of Madness
Infinite Dreams
Still Life
Remember Tomorrow
Charlotte the Harlot
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Innocent Exile
Another Life (Actually, almost anything off of Killers is underrated in my eyes)
Back in the Village
Caught Somewhere in Time
Mother Russia
Be Quick or Be Dead
Blood on the World's Hands
Lord of the Flies
Man on the Edge
The Clansman
The Nomad
Out of the Silent Planet
The Pilgrim (also very underrated)
Different World
It's definitely not underrated on this forum, I'd say. It receives a lot of praise (which is deserved).

And who cares about the opinion of those who only go to shows to hear Fear Of The Dark and Run To The Hills, anyway? I guess those are the only ones who don't appreciate BTATS.
Here goes my list:

Remember Tomorrow
Strange World
Charlotte The Harlot
The Ides Of March
Another Life
Genghis Khan
Prodigal Son
PURGATORY (This one I REALLY like)  :wub:
Twilight Zone
Drifter (rocks live)
Total Eclipse
Where Eagles Dare
FLIGHT OF ICARUS (solo is really great)
Die With Your Boots On
Still Life
Sun And Steel
To Tame A Land (damn good bass line)
Flash Of The Blade
THE DUELLISTS ( :edmetal:  :rocker:  :edmetal:  :rocker:)
Sea Of Madness
The Prophecy (The outro is pure magic)
Holy Smoke
No Prayer For The Dying
Fates Warning
Mother Russia
The Fugutive
Como Estais Amigos
Dream Of Mirrors
The Nomad
No More Lies
New Frontier
These Colors Don't Run
The Longest Day
Out Of The Shadows
Lord Of Light
The Legacy

'Nuff said...  :innocent:
43 songs? That's about 1/3 of their entire discography ... nuff said indeed  :p

Songs that I personally feel receive too little praise are (to name a few).

The Prophecy (often mentioned as one of the weaker tracks on SSOASS). I agree with BT94 that the outro is pure magic. Beautiful!
Back In The Village. OK, so it doesn't have a great chorus. The guitar line more than compensates for it.
Where Eagles Dare. I feel it is underrated by Maiden themselves. A shame that it was only played regularly during the World Piece Tour and then Early Days tour (and at some gigs on two other tours). It should be played much more often!
Caught Somewhere In Time. Some love it, but it is not mentioned often. It has never been played after Somewhere On Tour. That is a disgrace.
Eddies Wingman said:
43 songs? That's about 1/3 of their entire discography ... nuff said indeed  :p

Well, most of their songs are VERY underrated.

Eddies Wingman said:
Where Eagles Dare. I feel it is underrated by Maiden themselves. A shame that it was only played regularly during the World Piece Tour and then Early Days tour (and at some gigs on two other tours). It should be played much more often!

Not to mention Nicko's performance  :)  :rocker:

Eddies Wingman said:
Caught Somewhere In Time. Some love it, but it is not mentioned often. It has never been played after Somewhere On Tour. That is a disgrace.

Yes, that's a shame, the chorus is brilliant, I don't know how I forgot to mention it... :(
Eddies Wingman said:
Where Eagles Dare. I feel it is underrated by Maiden themselves. A shame that it was only played regularly during the World Piece Tour and then Early Days tour (and at some gigs on two other tours). It should be played much more often!

And during "Somewhere on Tour" and the "A Real Live Tour", back in 1993.

So if you ask me, it got enough attention, and I rather see Maiden dare to pick another track.

The following POM-songs were played on less tours:

Still Life (2 tours)
Flight of Icarus (2 tours plus 1 or 2 gigs on a third tour)
To Tame a Land
Forostar said:
And during "Somewhere on Tour" and the "A Real Live Tour", back in 1993.

According to your precious list, it was dropped from many gigs on those tours ...

However, I fully agree that Still Life and To Tame A Land should have got more attention. A shame that the latter was dropped after only one tour.
Fine I removed Thousand Suns,  Do you guys feel better now? DO YA?  :p I did forget a some though, To Tame a Land, Revelations, Twilight Zone, No Prayer for the Dying, and The Apparition just to name a few. I'm going to tweak my list a little bit and repost...
HallowedBeMyName said:
Fine I removed Thousand Suns,  Do you guys feel better now?

Are you that weak? Grow some balls and stand up for your opinions :p

Nah, just kidding. But why not rather elaborate on why you find BTATS underrated? And among whom do you think it is underrated? Members of this forum? Maiden fans in general? Or maybe metal fans in general? Because if you are talking about the latter two, you could very well be right.
My new and (hopefully) improved list:

Sea of Madness
Infinite Dreams
Still Life
Remember Tomorrow
Charlotte the Harlot
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Innocent Exile
Another Life (Actually, almost anything off of Killers is underrated in my eyes)
Back in the Village
Caught Somewhere in Time
Mother Russia
Be Quick or Be Dead
Blood on the World's Hands
Lord of the Flies
Man on the Edge
The Clansman
The Nomad
Out of the Silent Planet
The Pilgrim (also very underrated)
Different World
The Apparition
Twilight Zone
To Tame A Land
Strange World
No Prayer for the Dying
Total Eclipse
The Prisoner
The Legacy
The Duellists
22 Acacia Avenue
Genghis Khan

Eddies Wingman said:
But why not rather elaborate on why you find BTATS underrated? And among whom do you think it is underrated? Members of this forum? Maiden fans in general?

I find Brighter underrated among the general Maiden fans. Casual, and even some hardcore fans pass up this gem. Terrific instrumentally, and ingenious lyrically. Definitely should be played live more often. So, do I get my balls back, Wingman?  :p