lets discuss some underrated tunes.

Are we discussing underrated songs or just listing them?

I want to discuss an underrated song. Dream of Mirrors. It is now and always has been one of my favourite Maiden tracks. The chorus is simple, but so striking...I only dream in black and white, I only dream 'cause I'm alive; I only dream in black and white to save me from myself...

For me, this is the song that made me realize that Janick is probably the best writer of them all, outside of Steve. Steve may have written most of the classics, and even many of the modern classics, but Janick has had his fingers in consistently better songs since the reunion. I think the music is awesome, and if it wasn't for the fact that Brave New World is consistently epic, it would be the centrepiece of the album. As it is, it is often overlooked on the album.
Good to see some Janick praise.  I agree.  A friend of mine and I were listening to BNW last night and when that song came on we started talking about essentially the same things you just said.
I agree with LC. Dream Of Mirrors is one of my fave Maiden classics and Janick's songs hardly aren't stunning musical pieces. His solo on DOM is just :drool:
I don't think Dream of Mirrors is underrated at all. It is by far one of the best tracks on Brave New World... personally I think it is better than the title track. If a song is underrated on that album it's The Thin Line Between Love and Hate. That song is amazing. I especially like the fact that you think it is going to end and they go into the instrumental section AND THEN it ends.
Off topic:

I find Janick's solos often overlooked on this forum (or at least I see that people are ignoring them).
Maybe most people might have this live image of him, but on studio records he surely delivers the goods.
Everyone his own taste but I can't promote some of his solos enough.

Alright, I admit that I am not a fan of all his solos. E.g. his stuff in BTATS or Paschendale are not really going anywhere, and he has repeated his Wasting Love solo a bit too often (2 A.M. & Como Estais Amigoes) but take e.g. his solos on The Legacy and The Pilgrim! So many notes, played with aggression and still containing interesting twists. Especially these high notes are excellent, just like in Ghost of the Navigator (probably my favourite Janick Gers solo). There are other good solos on the nineties albums, especially on the last three albums of the nineties.
The Thin Line Between Love & Hate is only second to Dream Of Mirrors in my BNW songs ranking. Sometimes, I like it even more (those Dave solos :wub:). Perfect song. In fact, Brave New World is the album that should've been played entirely live. There's only 2 songs from the album to go live - The Nomad and The Thin Line Between Love & Hate.

To me, the most unexpressive Janick solo of all is the one in El Dorado - seem like a jam, off the cuff, but really forgettable.
Dream of Mirrors is one of only a handful of Maiden songs I can't stand.  I love when it speeds up around 5:00 or so, but they repeat the chorus to near Angel and the Gambler levels of insanity.

I do agree though, Janick is a good writer.  DOM just happens to be one of the few contributions he's made that I don't care for.

I really don't think any song from the first 7 is underrated.

One of my favorite underrated tracks is Fates Warning.  I've always loved that song.  It's pretty simple and basic, but I love the melody.  It probably could have worked on Seventh Son.

One more underrated track in my eyes is The Unbeliever.  Not a whole lot of folks mention this tune while discussing The X Factor but I think it's brilliant.  Very free form and jammy, same sort of vibe as Thin Line Between Love and Hate with some good vocals and a nice mid section.
Jeffmetal said:
The Thin Line Between Love & Hate is only second to Dream Of Mirrors in my BNW songs ranking. Sometimes, I like it even more. Perfect song. In fact, Brave New World is the album that should've been played entirely live. There's only 2 songs from the album to go live - The Nomad and The Thin Line Between Love & Hate.

I don't think so. The fast midpiece in Dream of Mirrors I find too long and repetitive ("I only dream of black and white.."), just like the solo. I dislike the repetitive motives in the solo, the same happens e.g. at the end of the Janick's solo in The Aftermath. Great song, but I find the fast part the worst one.

The Nomad suffers from its borrowing from that other band. Sorry, but since I know this, my appreciation has been worse.

The Thin Line, well I am not a fan of these double vocals in the couplets and I find the instrumental part at times too repetitive.

I don't say these songs are shit, I only explain why I don't think they are excellent.
The Thin Line... doubled vocals, as in Gates Of Tomorrrow too (great song and definetly underrated!), reminds me of classic Uriah Heep with the great David Byron. How can one not like it, is beyond me.
Jeffmetal said:
The Thin Line doubled vocals, as in Gates Of Tomorrrow, too reminds me of classic Uriah Heep with the great David Byron. How can one not like it is beyond me.

I have nothing against double vocals, but when the lines are not sung but spoken (which is more the case in the couplets on the Thin Line) I find the double vocals extra annoying. I do like the "spoken technique" on Eldorado, though.

On Gates of Tomorrow these vocals in the couplets I find not great either. On a sidenote: I love both chorusses of The Thin Line and Gates of Tomorrow. Fantastic!
I'm not really sure what counts as underrated, but I've always really liked Face in the Sand, The Clansman, Futureal and Tailgunner. Still Life might be my all time favorite Maiden song, I think it's greatly under appreciated.
Onhell said:
What I like the most in the thin line is the conviction in bruce's voice.

Man, the way he sings the title towards the end is probably one of the best Maiden moments ever. I also love that "I will hope/My soul will fly..." part.
Moonchild33 said:
Man, the way he sings the title towards the end is probably one of the best Maiden moments ever. I also love that "I will hope/My soul will fly..." part.

When he sang the "I will hope/My soul will fly" part, the hairs stood up on the back of my neck.  I think that was one of the best delivered lyrics i've ever heard from him.
If I had to name one underrated song, it would have to be "These Colours Don't Run". That song makes me want to hit a Hannah Montana fan in the face. :edmetal:
maiden23 said:
If I had to name one underrated song, it would have to be "These Colours Don't Run". That song makes me want to hit a Hannah Montana fan in the face. :edmetal:

I honestly don't think Iron Maiden would advocate that kind of wanton behavior lol.
i dont get why i hate the thin line. I'm going to listen to it some more to see if it grows on me. DOM is my fave on the album and I also think Fear is the Key is VERY underated.