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@Lego regarding some earlier talk here (when we discussed the Belgrade show from 2009 that had mistakes), what was the 2008 show were Adrian sneezed right before Can I Play With Madness?
I asked you this but not sure if you ever replied back to me. Think I've seen that show but can't remember..
This is not what I mean. It has been discussed a few pages before, someone mentioned that his whole behaviour on this tour is different, and now that I've checked out several videos from the previous shows I would agree on this one. He seems unmotivated almost like in 1993 (I've seen them that tour), he seems kinda grumpy and is all in all in a strange way different. Maybe others can add some input on this topic, I am curious too what might be going on.
Okay, thanks. I see him work his ass off on stage. That job is fucking hard at any age. You might be right about tensions in the band though? Kevin Shirley said something like Maiden are the most difficult band ever.
So, on this tour Bruce speaks much less... Something is going on behind the curtains...
Before the tour. In the Maiden headquarters.
Rod: Bruce just do your job. Ok?
Bruce: I will show them..
Steve: Just SING
Dave: La la la, you know.
Adrian: Hit those high notes.
Janick: Yeah, and I will dance
Bruce: I don't know...
Nicko: Brucie, my lad, You can do it!
Bruce: Ok

Tour commences. Show after show Bruce speaks very little. He is under pressure. Boiling point is somewhere in...
Then they arrived to Greece. Before the show, in the dressing room Bruce smiles and thinks for himself: on the stage I will mention Alexander The Great.... The Stadium will went nuts, ha ha.
Doctor doctor is playing. The Band stands behind the stage. Then suddenly
Adrian: By the way, Bruce, don't say a word about the last song of our sixt album, I still not figured out the solo.
Steve: I agree, I don't like those Wikipedia type lyrics. What I was thinking?
Bruce: Ok.
Now he is boiling.
The show starts and Bruce manages to not speak but to sing and act. Then, before The Number of the Beast he remembers his wish to tease the crowd with Alexander.... He smiles and wants to proceed with the joke, but then he sees the scared face of Adrian. I don't remember the solo, man!
Bruce feels that he is trapped in this cabaret theater, he is steaming. Then he sees the flare and the rest is history.
The end.

Great piece of writing, Azas!
Today my kids drove me nuts by not doing what I was telling them to do, like cleaning up their room, eat up their food and put on their clothes before they were going out in the garden. However, my oldest one is quite an nitpicker and constantly question my motives, and want to argue why he has to. And I ended up snapping at him; You spoiled brat, now I’ve had enough of your awful behavior, go and clean you room!! I love my kids to death, but sometimes they drive you crazy. I told them I was sorry a little later, and had a great time with them outside.

I think the same thing happened to Bruce, he snapped and let it vent out. Bad choice of words, but he is a human after all, like we all are.
Okay, thanks. I see him work his ass off on stage. That job is fucking hard at any age. You might be right about tensions in the band though? Kevin Shirley said something like Maiden are the most difficult band ever.
Because they've got two Alpha Dogs in the band. And they can often butt heads. Similar to Lennon/McCartney or Hetfield/Ulrich. It's that tension that can make bands great but can also break them.

Personally, I think everyone is looking too deeply into it. It was just an outburst. Not necessarily a sign of problems in the band.
You play Greece, you get flares. As simple as that. Aces High in 2018 was even worse. And the only question is in which way the wind will blow. Can understand Bruce getting worked up, since singing in flare smoke is very dangerous and hard. That said, including the word Greek in his insults was uncalled for, but I think he didn't mean it as a derogatory term.

BTW, if you watch En Vivo, he is singing Running Free far stage left, as someone lit a flare in the crowd and smoke covered half of the stage. In Argentina he didn't sing during one verse at all and that's probably the reason why the audio is from Chile.

The managment should have a word with whoever is the head of security, because it seems that every time they play Greece, people smuggle in at least 20 flares.
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You play Greece, you get flares. As simple as that. Aces High in 2018 was even worse. And the only question is in which way the wind will blow. Can understand Bruce getting worked up, since singing in flare smoke is very dangerous and hard. That said, including the word Greek in his insults was uncalled for, but I think he didn't mean it as a derogatory term.

BTW, if you watch En Vivo, he is singing Running Free far stage left, as someone lit a flare in the crowd and smoke covered half of the stage. In Argentina he didn't sing during one verse at all and that's probably the reason why the audio is from Chile.

The managment should have a word with whoever is the head of security, because it seems that every time they play Greece, people smuggle in at least 20 flares.
1999 Athens, Greece must have been the worst ever I have seen anybody performing in the smoke caused by the flares.
Management should definitely do something as it seems happen every and each time they visit Greece.
I'm wondering if there's something Oedipal about this. The moment the artist you idolise shows some sort of weakness or reminds you they are nothing more than human, they need to be destroyed because they can no longer give you guidance.
No, I can surmise that I might not particularly like Bruce if he were a person in my life and still like his contributions to Iron Maiden as a musician.
I also would agree it'd be more interesting to speak about what might be going on within the band atm. I mean, it's indeed a bit too obvious that there's going on something, probably the most with Bruce. Just as mentioned earlier in this thread, his behauviour is highly unusual. Let's hope it has nothing to do with the cancer thing.
I have interpreted his behavior in such a way that he is ambitious and wants to show on this tour in the first place that he can still sing everything and therefore wants to concentrate more on that.
But of course that is mere speculation and may be wrong.
I want to throw in something friendlier.
I find this review of the concert in Wien funny (“Kurier” (no music magazine :D), author: Guido Tartarotti,
my translation)

Steel eardrums: The metal legends blew through the ears of 25,000 visitors.

Heavy metal is that art form in which a man is still measured by how tight the pants are that he can stuff himself into, how long his head hair that defies the years sprouts toward the center of the earth, how loud the noise he can make with his guitar is.

After two minutes of an Iron Maiden concert, the state-certified metal fan knows: Everything is fine. Pants: check. Hair: check. Volume: check, check, check!

Iron Maiden - perhaps the most important of all metal bands (well over 100 million records sold) - is at the peak of its powers almost 50 years after its founding, one must respectfully acknowledge.
The show in front of 25,000 people in the stadium of Wiener Neustadt (the mass of people is terrifying) starts with three songs from the current album "Senjutsu": The title track, "Stratego" and "The Writing On The Wall". The sound is roaringly loud, but transparent, the band eager to play, singer Bruce Dickinson, live always a mixture of Krawattl tenor and fire siren, in the best voice.

Shining Eyes

The new songs - not every band can claim that - are very powerful live, the stage shows Japanese pagodas and other buildings fitting to the album theme.
Band smirk monster Eddie is allowed to roll his shining eyes for the first time right at the beginning, this time he is an undead Japanese warrior. (Fans of the TV series "Two And A Half Men" are immediately reminded of "Gone, gone, you're a demon samurai.")

After three songs they actually change the stage into a gothic church hall (metal likes the sacred, after all). Now the nostalgia part, which is enormously important in this music style, begin….
You have one then. Didn't know you actually had a left party in Scotland with some following. I thought it was mostly SNP and tories and labour.
Not much super left, SNP are considered slightly left of centre and Greens are a bit left of them. But overall Scotland doesn't really mess with the kind of far right fuckery that England has been creeping towards.
Not much super left, SNP are considered slightly left of centre and Greens are a bit left of them. But overall Scotland doesn't really mess with the kind of far right fuckery that England has been creeping towards.

I had a conversation about this with a former of student of mine in Glasgow earlier this week (I was visiting from Englandshire and we put the world to rights over a few pints). Both of us have been firmly in the left for a long time and were in agreement that Scotland was better off for not having to endure the Tories and their demented turn to the populist (far) right.
On a lighter note I'm very pleased at how Bruce is sounding after a few rough shows earlier during the tour. I wish I could go to Gothenburg...
Been going throigh some comments on the Greece saga on FB. Can't believe some of the twats that defend people playing with road flares at a fucking gig.

If you want to play with flares then go do it elsewhere, preferably in the middle of the fucking road.
Seen a lot of comments comparing the most recent Priest gig there and Halford praising how crazy they are (seemed to love the flares) vs Bruce a spoilt man child having a full on meltdown over it.
As for the flares, I personally don't see much point and wouldn't exactly enjoy standing next to a person with one.

But I get that it's popular part of the local event culture in some places.
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