Ancient Mariner
From the article below:
Bruce: ''But there were a lot of songs that we couldn't include, that we didn't do on this tour. So we could do another Legacy Tour with a totally different repertoire''. -> I hope this will be LOTB 3rd leg next year. I can see them dropping FTGGOG from the setlist (because of the somehow lukewarm response from the crowd during the whole tour) and changing it with POTO, for example.
Bruce Dickinson, de Iron Maiden: "Nuestro trabajo como músicos es darle permiso a la gente para soñar"
Antes de salir al escenario de Vélez, el sábado pasado por la noche, el cantante dialogó con Clarín acerca de rock y política, la gira de despedida, el perfil de anti rockstar, la situación de la industria y sus planes a
Drop The Clansman and play Paschendale instead I say.