Legacy of the Beast 2018 Tour

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Still tickets left for Stockholm. Told myself I would not go to any more history tours, but if the set is good enough I might!
Hi guys, how will you keep track of the gig? I'm wondering if anyone in the venue would make an Instagram Live.
The official IM twitter has confirmed they will be posting the set live, don’t know if they post a song as it starts or finishes. Periscope and Facebook live are worth searching for, just be prepared to keep changing streams, some people do big chunks of a show, others will do 30 seconds of [insert hit that casual fans know].
I don't think he hated it, but it didn't make him want to try it.

the issue with Somewhere in Time is if you don't use the original equipment, it sounds like shit.... every cover band out there has failed somewhere in time songs because they aren't using the GK250s with the settings. The songs sound awful on other amps and such. The band probably knows this too.
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