Legacy of the Beast 2018 Tour

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Sadly that is true. However, the set list for the Ed Hunter Tour was chosen by the fans if I remember correctly. Maiden had a vote on the official fan forum or something like that.
Imagine if they did that now. It would very hard to choose.

Yes you are correct. If I remember it right, Futureal was at 4th place.
For those reporting back after the show I think these are the things people will want to know about:
Eddies (which songs at what point)
Guitars used (for the guitar nerds)
Crowd reactions (especially for any of these surprises)
Ed Huntour was my first ever Maiden show at age 14, so no show in terms of excitement and set list came close that until today
That tour had great set list...
Bruce and H were Back, transylvania plays off tape, aces high starts, Bruce jumps on stage and crowd was mental. Nothing beats that. 2003 DoD tour was lame in terms of crowd hype compared to that
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