Ok. I'll weigh in on several things touched upon here.
First, I've been a fan since 82. First saw them live in 83.
Saw them on every tour through 88.
I was surprised when I heard Adrian was leaving, and curious what the new guy would be like.
From what I could tell on the album, and videos on MTV, he seemed like a pretty good fit.
Wasn't a huge fan of No Prayer though.
Don't know if it was the album, or my life changes, or a combination that explain that.
But I never once thought it was because of Janick.
This was the time when I was settling down and becoming a family man. Which meant not nearly enough time to listen to music anymore. And no time or money for concerts. After the 88 Maiden show, I would see another concert until Kiss reunited in '96. And wouldn't see Maiden again until 2000.
So, that whole 90's era of Maiden are just kind of a blur for me with nothing that really stood out other than the massive change when Bruce left. And that I didn't really care for Blaze era Maiden
I still bought every release when it came out. And I would listen to them several times in the car tape deck. But nothing grabbed me like it used to.
When BNW came out, it all changed back to being great again though.
I listened to that one non-stop and went to the show. I was lucky enough to get seats right in front of Janick.
And he blew me away. I loved his presence and antics.
And every time I've seen them since, my daughter and I always get on Janick's side whenever possible.
I've never been one to dissect the music. I don't have any clue as to who does what solo. Never did, and never really cared. I just knew I liked what I heard. And when I am seeing them live, I have no clue if anyone is 'sloppy' or if they miss notes. When I'm in the pit, banging my head, singing along and all the people around me are too, I'm not picking out individual notes. I'm too busy taking in the spectacle, enjoying the moment and just being swept up in it all.
The only time I ever noticed anything like that was back in 08. (still wish I would have gotten my recorder into that one). We got really close to the stage in the pit. And I could actually hear Janick's monitor quite clearly. Man, I heard stuff I never even realized was being played. There were a hell of a lot more notes in there than though. Some things were much more nuanced than I ever realized.
Now, I've always had something of a theory as to why Adrian doesn't play some of his old solos live, and it's not because the band 'lets' Janick do it to give him something to do. Anyone ever thought that maybe he doesn't want to play those solos anymore? It is possible, isn't it?
I remember reading an interview sometime around 03 during the Gimme Ed tour. Someone had asked Adrian about sharing the guitar work on the old classics. And he said something about it was kind of nice having more guys doing the work, so he had a bit more freedom on stage to just kind of enjoy things now (which was then)
And I did notice myself on the GMETID tour that Adrian did seem to be having a lot more fun. Moving around a lot more than he did 'back in the day'. Even goofing off a bit with Dave while Janick was soloing.
So, maybe Adrian likes the way things are divided up now. He still gets his time to shine, but he also gets some time to just kind of coast. Maybe it's one of the things that helped convince him to come back. That he wouldn't have to carry so much of a load during the live shows.