Iron Maiden Survivor 2013: Results Thread - Hallowed reclaims the throne!

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They're games that have their foundation in comparisons of songs therefore arguing. Since you're not playing this game all by yourself, I don't see your point.
My point is that it's not worth arguing about. Nobody will change their vote because one forum member has written 1,000 words of over-analysis about a particular song. It's just arguing for the sake of arguing and nobody should feel the need to justify why they like or dislike a song.
Well I didn't know expressing your liking or disliking for certain aspects of a certain thing was only done to persuade someone into thinking your way.
It's worse. When people share thoughts on Maiden songs, something terrible occurs. From the very seats where the members sit, they infiltrate the minds of their "opponents" by long distance, infest these with the most outrageous ideas imaginable and make them slaves to their own wills, and to the power of death.

We better make a sign of the cross, because this evil forum that men do is full of sin.
Is it also safe to say VXI is one of my favorite Maiden albums? TAATG and Stranger are stinkers, but every else i find top notch. I enjoy it a helluva lot more than No Prayer, FOTD, Killers, and AMOLAD.

I get the feeling I'm getting crucified soon.
I don't know, some of the songs wore off a little for me, and other albums just rose in my ratings.
Lord of the Flies, Angel and the Gambler, When Two Worlds Collide, Educated Fool, Don't Look to the Eyes of a Stranger
VXI dropped considerably for me lately, but I still think of it as a great album.
Same here. I absolutely loved it when I first heard it, but upon revisiting it last week I found that it wasn't quite as good as I remembered. The first three songs aren't too great but after that it's pretty strong (minus Don't Look To...).