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I see it in your posts. Do you understand that Maiden career is ending. They have their ways, they are not hungry anymore, they achieved almost everything. It is what it is.
Nobody knows their career is ending or not, but it doesn't mean their management may do nothing at all. Probably they care even less band's future anyway. This not a class.
Nobody knows their career is ending or not, but it doesn't mean their management may do nothing at all. Probably they care even less band's future anyway. This not a class.
I agree with you to a certain extent but we can't change anything. All we can do, we are doing. We moan :)
Powerslave is considered the one of the Best and most important in Maiden career, including the iconic cover art. If they used to release annivesary merch and articles related to their previous 4 albums, why the hell not to do this with Powerslave. I've never said a praising words about Maiden management in the past, but now their indifference seems to be epitomic. Maybe the fact that today not so many people are into Maiden, caused a fact of stagnation and ignorance.
How is this not trolling?

"Why is the band not focusing on one specific album from 40 years ago? At the same time, they are stagnant! They aren't changing!"

Which is it? Should they focus on the past, or focus on the future? Maybe some sort of tour with two parts. A future part, and a past part. A Future Past Tour? No, they'd *never* do this.
How is this not trolling?

"Why is the band not focusing on one specific album from 40 years ago? At the same time, they are stagnant! They aren't changing!"

Which is it? Should they focus on the past, or focus on the future? Maybe some sort of tour with two parts. A future part, and a past part. A Future Past Tour? No, they'd *never* do this.
We even don't know if they tour next year at all, maybe the 50 anniversary case is just wishful thinking. Really no plans? Although Harris is chating people in fact.
We don't know.
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We even don't know if they tour next year at all, maybe the 50 anniversary case is just wishful thinking. Really no plans? Although Harris is chating people in fact.
We don't know.

Holy fuck man, you must be really miserable in you personal life. I'm just happy I am not you!
To be honest, I'm very satisfied with the fade-out at the end of HoE as Maiden's last studio recording. It fits perfectly for this purpose. I think the anniversary tour is a comfortable moment to end this era. And even if it seems like an end, there's always the possibility they might return eventually and release new material.
Archive stuff yes, but I think Maiden are the kind of band that needs to be active to release new music. I think that's why they don't make plans after 2026 for now and the anniv tour is perfect yeah. As much new music from Maiden as possible please.

Re:about Powersalve anniv: Maiden could do something for it, but maybe it might not be a big deal. They'll just note it. They've never been a band that releases box sets for individual albums and they skipped Killers anniv right. I think they will do something, but we only expect it because they did something for the previous two albums. Powerslave is so iconic but they could do only merch with shirts for example. I don't think that's something they think about too much. Some fans expect bands to be as active as they were younger with singles and all, but that's just normal. They do what they like.
So powerslave will be 40 years old tomorrow and…..shock horror….Maiden gavent put the bunting out and let off the fireworks and they haven planned a big celebration.

Every album Maiden has ever released has an anniversary every single year. What’s so special about the album being 40 years old?

I’m not trying to be facetious I’m genuinely curious as to why some people think a 40 year anniversary should be so special. Is it more special than a 10 year anniversary or a 15 year or a 20 year or a 30 year etc.

I think it’s quite refreshing that Maiden don’t jump on the bandwagon a lot of bands do by releasing multiple anniversary editions/box sets all the time which mostly contain the same stuff in different packaging.
I think it’s quite refreshing that Maiden don’t jump on the bandwagon a lot of bands do by releasing multiple anniversary editions/box sets all the time which mostly contain the same stuff in different packaging.

You could argue they are happy to re-release stuff several times without any added value in terms of rarities because the faithful would buy it. :P

I would go as far to say that some Maiden fans would even buy turds in the shape of Eddie, but that merchandising side of the band has kept them going for a long time. As a fan of their music, I’d rather have them as a live entity than not, so if other people want to buy shit because it has Eddie on it and that keeps the brand going, thanks for your effort!

P.S. A 40th anniversary is a ruby one (I must admit I had to google that). Maiden have missed a trick by not releasing The Rubies of the Beast in 2022, Piece of Ruby in 2023, and Rubyslave this year. :P
You could argue they are happy to re-release stuff several times without any added value in terms of rarities because the faithful would buy it. :P

I would go as far to say that some Maiden fans would even buy turds in the shape of Eddie, but that merchandising side of the band has kept them going for a long time. As a fan of their music, I’d rather have them as a live entity than not, so if other people want to buy shit because it has Eddie on it and that keeps the brand going, thanks for your effort!

P.S. A 40th anniversary is a ruby one (I must admit I had to google that). Maiden have missed a trick by not releasing The Rubies of the Beast in 2022, Piece of Ruby in 2023, and Rubyslave this year. :P
So, you're saying it'll only be 14 more years until Ruby XI? I can live with that :D