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Oh damn, never noticed that before! It's the low E string that rings out at the end of the riff. You can hear the "correct" way at 5:57 in the distorted guitar on the right speaker. At 6:10 it's played correctly again. Yet on 6:21 it happens noticeably earlier.

At 6:35 we get the next one, this time on the A string at the correct time. Finally, at 6:47 we get the last low E, again on the correct time.

So, yeah, you're correct. That's another mistake left in. I remember the instrumental section in When The Wild Wind Blows having a similar issue where one of the guitar plays a single instance of the riff out of tempo, but I don't remember the exact moment and am a bit too lazy to listen to it right now. :P
I could've agreed, but 9s? Really? That's objectively not what counts as highly compressed. What are the 6s then? Extremely compressed? What would a 2 or 3 be? Astonishingly compressed? Again, words have meanings, you were objectively wrong, yet you keep doubling down and embarrassing yourself. Take a minute to calm down, step away from the computer, take a few deep breaths and move on from this. Multiple people have already called you out on multiple false claims. Show some goddamn dignity lol
You are a complete dick.

Here is how a nice conversation would go.

Me - I think the drums sound bad on The X Factor because they might be compensating for the compression.

Nice person - Why do you think that X Factor is compressed?

Me - There are original versions of it with a DR of 8, this is the first time an Iron Maiden studio album has such low DR and it is highlighted as red in the site that tracks DR.

Nice person - That's interesting, but I don't think a DR of 8 necessarily means that it has been compressed.

Me - Yes I agree, I'm not saying that I know it has been compressed, I am saying that I suspect. I hear that the drums are god awful on that album, and I am speculating as to a reason why. All Maiden studio releases prior to The X Factor are green, of the range 10-15. Mostly around 12-14. You can clearly see this at There are a few live and re-releases from 1993 which are red with dynamic range 6-9 which shows they were probably applying compression on those. But it seems X Factor was the first studio release that they have applied it to.

Nice person - Here is a visualisation of the X Factor, this doesn't look compressed.

Me - Well there were multiple versions of X Factor released. One has a DR of 12, one has a DR of 8, we don't know which version is represented by that visualisation.

Nice person - Ah, I see what you are saying. Yes, you are right we don't know which version is in the visualisation, but I have seen other albums with a DR of 8 and these were from well before compression was used, like in the 80's. So I don't think a DR of 8 necessarily means the album is compressed.

Me - OK, I'm not saying it was definitely compressed, but it seems suspicious to me, given that Maiden usually present studio albums around 12-14 DR. There seems to be a trend with Maiden albums, starting at 1995 and just getting worse on each release, all studio albums since 1995 have low dynamic range (single digit DR). Prior to 1995 the studio releases were all green, post 1995 they are all red. The X Factor was noticeably lower DR than all the Maiden albums before it, it seems to be the start of this low DR trend with studio albums for IM.

Nice person - Yeah, I see what you mean. But I haven't seen a visualisation showing The X Factor as being compressed.

Me - Yeah, I haven't either. I was just expressing my suspicions.

Nice person - OK.
Explain why the website colours the 8 in red. What does red mean?
It's a spectrum. It goes from 0 to 14 :facepalm:

You are a complete dick.

Here is how a nice conversation would go.

Me - I think the drums sound bad on The X Factor because they might be compensating for the compression.

Nice person - Why do you think that X Factor is compressed?

Me - There are original versions of it with a DR of 8, this is the first time an Iron Maiden studio album has such low DR and it is highlighted as red in the site that tracks DR.

Nice person - That's interesting, but I don't think a DR of 8 necessarily means that it has been compressed.

Me - Yes I agree, I'm not saying that I know it has been compressed, I am saying that I suspect. I hear that the drums are god awful on that album, and I am speculating as to a reason why. All Maiden studio releases prior to The X Factor are green, of the range 10-15. Mostly around 12-14. You can clearly see this at There are a few live and re-releases from 1993 which are red with dynamic range 6-9 which shows they were probably applying compression on those. But it seems X Factor was the first studio release that they have applied it to.

Nice person - Here is a visualisation of the X Factor, this doesn't look compressed.

Me - Well there were multiple versions of X Factor released. One has a DR of 12, one has a DR of 8, we don't know which version is represented by that visualisation.

Nice person - Ah, I see what you are saying. Yes, you are right we don't know which version is in the visualisation, but I have seen other albums with a DR of 8 and these were from well before compression was used, like in the 80's. So I don't think a DR of 8 necessarily means the album is compressed.

Me - OK, I'm not saying it was definitely compressed, but it seems suspicious to me, given that Maiden usually present studio albums around 12-14 DR. There seems to be a trend with Maiden albums, starting at 1995 and just getting worse on each release, all studio albums since 1995 have low dynamic range (single digit DR). Prior to 1995 the studio releases were all green, post 1995 they are all red. The X Factor was noticeably lower DR than all the Maiden albums before it, it seems to be the start of this low DR trend with studio albums for IM.

Nice person - Yeah, I see what you mean. But I haven't seen a visualisation showing The X Factor as being compressed.

Me - Yeah, I haven't either. I was just expressing my suspicions.

Nice person - OK.
I mean, you're the one who constantly attacked me. Also, this is a nice fantasy, but not at all how things played out or how you started this whole thing. You made multiple objectively incorrect statements about things you are not that familiar with. That's not a problem, it happens all the time and I've done things like that as well.

The issue is that you kept doubling down and attacking, despite being informed by multiple people who are much more familiar with these topics, multiple times.

For the sake of the thread this is my last comment on this topic. It spiraled out of control a long while ago. Time to let the thread go into a different direction.
It's a spectrum. It goes from 0 to 14 :facepalm:
Being a dick again I see.
I mean, you're the one who constantly attacked me. Also, this is a nice fantasy, but not at all how things played out or how you started this whole thing. You made multiple objectively incorrect statements about things you are not that familiar with.

It started with me saying
"My guess as to the X Factor.

It was a victim of the Loudness war. With Compression being overused in the industry as a whole during that period to make the album LOUD in an attempt to increase sales, this caused the natural drums to be less punchy and so they tried to compensate by using some kind of sound effects on the drums which to my ears sounds like a rubber jandle slapping the bottom of a plastic bucket (truly horrible and ruins the studio album)."

Clearly stating that I'm guessing.

You started saying its impossible to have quiet parts in a compressed song
" You said yourself that there are points that are incredibly quiet which directly contradicts your own argument and proves that TXF simply has a poor production, unrelated to the loudness wars."

Then you went off on an irrelevant tangent and started talking about Death Magnetic
"Furthermore, the real victims of that practice were a decade later with Metallica's Death Magnetic, a clipping mess, being the infamous example."

I stated that just because an album has quiet parts it doesn't mean that it isn't compressed.
But you keep making that claim, over and over and then attacking me.

I even showed evidence of a compressed song with quiet parts.

You keep on with your claim that a song can't be compressed and have quiet parts.
You then start bragging about your experience doing sound engineering and demanding I tell you about my experience.
This appeal to authority is a poor argument.
Just because you have some skills, doesn't mean you know everything. Quite clearly there are many people that can compress songs and have quiet section too. Just because you don't know how to do it, that doesn't mean it can't be done.
All good things must come to an end :P

That's a shame. I was hoping you would both carry on like that for quite some time!

I'm hoping for something similar in September on the subject of which of the band members obviously receives the best/appropriate medical care.

Please make an effort when the time comes, because I'm really looking forward to it. :D
Nothing about a potential new Maiden record ?
In two other new interviews with him, he was asked about new music, but his answer was positive about British Lion and unfortunately not very enthusiastic about Maiden, which is odd tbh...

Interview #1
Interview #2
Steve about the first weeks of a tour:
he was asked about new music, but his answer was positive about British Lion and unfortunately not very enthusiastic about Maiden, which is odd tbh...
Doesn't surprise me at all. I think Senjutsu was it, and Maiden will only tour going forwards. They might have two more years with the current lineup, and the question is if they feel comfortable replacing Nicko.

If I am right, and they might have 2-3 years left, it would make sense to go out on a high note, with a big show celebrating their entire career instead of spending time making a new album and then touring that.
In two other new interviews with him, he was asked about new music, but his answer was positive about British Lion and unfortunately not very enthusiastic about Maiden, which is odd tbh...

Clever old fox. Of course, he doesn't want the fans to get the idea that the next album is about to be recorded.
After all, it has to be possible to work on it undisturbed and in secret.