IRON MAIDEN: 'Infinite Dreams - The Official Visual History' Book Due In The Fall

And the teaser features a photo of the flood-damaged Ibanez DT-300.
This is a photo of his 1983 gear, right. But the photo of Adrian is from 1981 - why?? Btw, are the photos from the 1999 tour shared for the first time?
It is new, technically, right? We saw the three variations of this artwork a few weeks ago, but as far as I know none of them have been used in any official capacity so far. Correct me if I'm wrong.
One was used for a merch (iirc), one for the book now and that's it. The 3rd one with the cigarette, no.
I really like the title of the book.
The title is somehow fitting. The documentary will be called different (song), I guess.
They need to add Infinite Dreams and Killers to the setlist to rectify their error with the Maiden England setlist :D
Imagine DWYBO too and/or Still Life.
And if this indeed means Infinite Dreams in the set, I'd say that the lads almost rectified most of the horrible setlist ommisions between 1999-2014 in the last 7 years.
Actually yes. And with some 90's songs. Maybe songs like TTAL, Sea Of Madness and Still Life are the others.
There will likely be multiple things. The book is just one of them.
Rod promised that.
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 320
Artwork: 600 color illustrations
Sounds great.
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Is this the same book people discovered few weeks ago, in Amazon, somewhere without any image and real info? we couldn't understand if it's official or not.
We have Ross Halfin's Maiden book and the Fligh 666 book, both official. Aside from official pics from where the Flight 666 book left off, I'm wondering what will be uniquely different about this one the others didn't already cover?
I’m accepting the very real possibility that we won’t get anything, mostly due to the quality of Nicko’s performance throughout the tour.
I dunno...if they were fine releasing LotB: NotD with how Bruce sounded, I can't imagine Nicko's drumming would stop them from releasing a Future Past live album.
We have Ross Halfin's Maiden book and the Fligh 666 book, both official. Aside from official pics from where the Flight 666 book left off, I'm wondering what will be uniquely different about this one the others didn't already cover?
Not to mention the old "What Are We Doing This For?" official photography book that came out in the late '80s.
We have Ross Halfin's Maiden book and the Fligh 666 book, both official. Aside from official pics from where the Flight 666 book left off, I'm wondering what will be uniquely different about this one the others didn't already cover?

Steve mentions some stuff in the press release