Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Actually The Prisoner doesn't even qualify for clue #6. I don't have a damn clue about any of the other clues but after looking though every dang Maiden song, I think Strange World may be the only one that applies for Clue 6 but it wasn't technically on the Soundhouse Tapes. I am very interested to figure out what this is.

I guess I'll go with Invasion.
The Wicker Man?

EDIT: No that doesn't fit. Uh.............Empire of the Clouds 'cuz I'd worship it.
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son? I'm pretty sure that doesn't apply to all of the clues but I think I speak for all of us when I say I'm running out of ideas here...
No to all of those. I just hope I haven’t messed up with anything. Darn, need to make a new clue. Or should I just reveal the answer? Clue 8: Dream Theater’s Voices and The Spirit Carries On.
The Number of the Beast?
Again feel like that's almost certainly wrong, at this point once it gets to the time to reveal the next clue to just tell us what song it is... we're getting to the point where if someone doesn't get it soon may as well just give this one up as a bad job
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None of those but those last two are thinking along the right lines I think. I shan’t give any more clues, feel free to have any extra guesses but I will reveal and explain in the morning cause it is well past my bed time and I have school work to do tomorrow.
Heaven Can Wait
(the mysterious Clues #1 and #2 could make sense if we think of the "Heaven Can Wait" of Gamma Ray)... off to bed too. As for me, I have school work to make other people do too! :D