Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1: prudent diet
Clue #2:

Clue #3: Leaving so soon?
Clue #4: 35 years (and almost a month) ago
Clue #5: this song, which has never been played live, can be related to the first line of the song that follows it on the same album.
Clue #6: check your diary for June 29th
Clue #7: The tragedy I hinted at in clue #4 is very unlikely to happen this year, because of the health restrictions

Incorrect guesses: The Prisoner/ Childhood's End/ Pass The Jam/The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner/ Wasting Love/ Prodigal Son/ Still Life/ Age of Innocence/Running Free/ Revelations/ When the Wild Wind Blows/ Fear is the Key/ Fates Warning/ Flash of the Blade/ Back In The Village/ Gangland/ Starblind
Clue #1: prudent diet <the original name of Weight Watchers, whose initials are the same as those of "Weekend Warrior".
Clue #2:

< "Who are you kidding being that cool?"
Clue #3: Leaving so soon? < the typical line the villain utters when the good guy has uncovered them and wants to leave // " But you're in with a clique it's not easy to stray "
Clue #4: 35 years (and almost a month) ago < the Heysel Stadium disaster, a human stampede provoked by English and Italian supporters (Liverpool vs Juventus), claimed 39 lives and wounded 600. It took place on May 29th 1985. It obviously relates to the topic of the song, that is hooliganism.
Clue #5: this song, which has never been played live, can be related to the first line of the song that follows it on the same album.
< One of Liverpool FC's famous songs is "You'll never walk alone". The song after WW is "Fear of the Dark" and its first line goes: "I am a man who walks alone".
Clue #6: check your diary for June 29th < "What you gonna do on Monday?"
Clue #7: The tragedy I hinted at in clue #4 is very unlikely to happen this year, because of the health restrictions
< at this point, it is probably self-explanatory.

@PhantomOfTheOpera , do you want to have a go? :)
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clue #1: Trace your way back to 80's (topic of the song in question)
clue #2: The lyrics contain phrase, which is also a name of 80's tv-series and that series had one episode that had same title as another Iron Maiden-song.

Incorrect guesses: Mother Russia / Tailgunner
Though the relation between "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and Love Boat is bleeding obvious, I'd venture "Fear is the Key" instead (//"in the heat of the night..." - Clue #1 thus relating to AIDS in the 80s "a time when we used and abused").
Though the relation between "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and Love Boat is bleeding obvious, I'd venture "Fear is the Key" instead (//"in the heat of the night..." - Clue #1 thus relating to AIDS in the 80s "a time when we used and abused").

You're correct @Black Bart and it's your turn.
This went pretty fast as I was already preparing some further clues, maybe I just have prepare more cryptic clues next time.
The answer is indeed "Fear Is The Key" which is about AIDS and the song was written after Freddie Mercury died of AIDS in 1991.
clue #1: AIDS was identified in the 80's
clue #2: The tv-series was "In The Heat Of The Night" (which is also the phrase used in the song) and one episode was titled "Sanctuary".