Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

No and no.

Clue #1: To America or to Canada?
Clue #2: Part of the first verse of this song could be a clue for another Maiden song
Clue #3: Do we really need someone from Sesame street?

Incorrect guesses: The Wicker Man, Brave New World, Coming Home, Running Free, Dance Of Death
Bring Your Daughter...To The Slaughter


Clue #1: To America or to Canada?
Reference to the country of origin of the 2 bands named Slaughter.
Clue #2: Part of the first verse of this song could be a clue for another Maiden song
Honey, it’s getting close to midnight --> 2 Minutes To Midnight
Clue #3: Do we really need someone from Sesame Street?
Reference to the artwork of the Bring Your Daughter…To The Slaughter single.
Oscar The Grouch is sitting in his trash can in the right bottom corner.
The rhyme in the clue is also a reference to the rhyme in the title.

Your turn, @PhantomOfTheOpera!
Unfornately Im going to go cottage by the lake tomorrow morning, so I can't actually start new one.
Surely I can participate on the forums but Im not going to be hanging around the internet too much during the weekend.
Someone else can do this turn and I will make one later someday.
So, anybody who wants..just go ahead and make it.
Unfornately Im going to go cottage by the lake tomorrow morning, so I can't actually start new one.
Surely I can participate on the forums but Im not going to be hanging around the internet too much during the weekend.
Someone else can do this turn and I will make one later someday.
So, anybody who wants..just go ahead and make it.
Have fun by the lake, Phantom! Good idea to make one later when you return, just post it here.
Anyone interested to start a new one? Black Bart,Jer,...?
Unfornately Im going to go cottage by the lake tomorrow morning, so I can't actually start new one.
Surely I can participate on the forums but Im not going to be hanging around the internet too much during the weekend.
Someone else can do this turn and I will make one later someday.
So, anybody who wants..just go ahead and make it.
Have fun at the lake! :)

Well, let's go then.

Clue #1: prudent diet
No to all.

Clue #1: prudent diet
Clue #2:
Clue #3: Leaving so soon?

Incorrect guesses: The Prisoner/ Childhood's End/ Pass The Jam/The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner/ Wasting Love
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Tough usual, BB. Maybe a next clue will make things a little bit clearer...
I usually become less cryptic from the fourth or fifth clue, depending on the number of players.
I'll wait for a third guess now but I'll post a new one in a few hours anyway. :)
PS You should have seen @Diesel 11 's earliest rounds from a couple of years ago! :dancinggeek::D (I can think of page 8 for example - yes, I have time to waste on Sunday evenings- but I can remember much worse)
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